Hey Naruto! If you're reading this.. Here's a piece of your history on Youtube!!
CAUTION: Viewer's Discretion Is Advised. For me this is more disturbing than watching Japanese Horror Movie because at least we know Sadako is fictitious chick. All the dead bodies you'll see in this documentary and the horrific stories told are unfortunately a real deal. Our brothers and sisters in Bosnia, Afghanistan and Iraq had suffered the exact same fate and I'm sure somewhere in the Middle East now someone is also being stabbed, killed, raped, beheaded and butchered. That's what war will do to human's sanity and that's what waiting for us if the next Great War or political upheaval brought by extremists befalls this country.
P/S: The Funny Thing Is.. the majority of Chinese (who supports the opposition) in Malaysia now accused the Malaysian government of being cruel and tyrant against them.. I wonder if they only knew how lucky they're under the rule of liberal Malays all these years.. I know there're some Chinese in China who would risk swimming on all four limbs to come and stay in Malaysia.. If you don't believe me, just ask all those "China Dolls" prostitutes who smuggled themselves into this country. Would they be willing to gave up China if there's a way to secure citizenship in Malaysia?.. I bet my Hari Raya Bonus they would.
And Naruto19746.. I hope you'll go to hell
Mojo Watcher said... :Like Yoda said in Star Wars, "Fear leads to Hate, Hate leads to Anger, Anger leads to Suffering" ...
History has shown the fear of losing or "kiasu" brought down an entire civilization in different form and perspective. Now the kiasu of "land of the rising sun" is being hammered down with daily and continuous earthquake and tsunami warning it never faced before in history.
Every known civilization has its own kiasu that leads to lots of suffering to others. The direct opposite of kiasu is humble and humility. Not so sure whether Malay culture has "kiasu". Read Dr Ridhuan Tee details about Kiasu and how Islam and Malay culture transformed him.
The time Allah decided to create Prophet Adam as Khalifah to this "world" had triggered the kiasu mental of Iblis. Why we were given the "Khalifah" title? Allah knows best. There are beings preventing us at all cost from doing our "Khalifah" responsibilities to lead, administer and bring peace and harmony for all other beings in this world. Good knowledge and wisdom set us apart from other beings.
There is a theory saying Allah intends to place His Khalifahs in His "World". The universe is expanding. So many planets, galaxies, clusters of galaxies were and are being created as detected by Hubble. Earth has the strongest electromagnetic shield against solar wind amongst the planets that could burn the planet in seconds without the shield. The electromagnetic shield function against high charged burning particles has been lab tested and proven. There were reports of astronauts suffered severe burns when accidentally exposed their skins near orbit where earth's electromagnetic shield was weak. The burns were instant just like in vampire movies. Solar winds travels in far distance in vacuum space. This explains well why earth is being chosen.
There are many of us who are being very ungrateful. The game of hate and anger is being played very aggressively by the luciferans in new forms. We haven't seem so much hate, unknowing hate and pretending hate for unclear and unknown reasons among the young generation. The hate and anger was shown in Norway recently.
Sufyani is being triggered in Mid-East. The chain of events is happening faster that we expected. Here we have the provocateur agents inciting too much hate and they have no time to be grateful and be responsible Khalifahs ...
For sure, Ahlul Baits escaped the persecution. They shall return to Hijjaz. They remained anonymously unknown.
AfterDark replied... :I'm quite convinced by now that you own a blog or a website yourself. I noticed your distinct style of writing.
If you do, then please don't hesitate to share with the rest of us the link to your blog/website.
If you don't have one yet, then you should start having one.
It would do much good to the world to share good knowledge with others.. and I would like very much to have much more peers in the internet world who uses their brain to write something original and a food of thought rather than blogger who merely copy and paste from other anti-Illuminati sites.
Like Yoda said in Star Wars, "Fear leads to Hate, Hate leads to Anger, Anger leads to Suffering" ...
ReplyDeleteHistory has shown the fear of losing or "kiasu" brought down an entire civilization in different form and perspective. Now the kiasu of "land of the rising sun" is being hammered down with daily and continuous earthquake and tsunami warning it never faced before in history.
Every known civilization has its own kiasu that leads to lots of suffering to others. The direct opposite of kiasu is humble and humility. Not so sure whether Malay culture has "kiasu". Read Dr Ridhuan Tee details about Kiasu and how Islam and Malay culture transformed him.
The time Allah decided to create Prophet Adam as Khalifah to this "world" had triggered the kiasu mental of Iblis. Why we were given the "Khalifah" title? Allah knows best. There are beings preventing us at all cost from doing our "Khalifah" responsibilities to lead, administer and bring peace and harmony for all other beings in this world. Good knowledge and wisdom set us apart from other beings.
There is a theory saying Allah intends to place His Khalifahs in His "World". The universe is expanding. So many planets, galaxies, clusters of galaxies were and are being created as detected by Hubble. Earth has the strongest electromagnetic shield against solar wind amongst the planets that could burn the planet in seconds without the shield. The electromagnetic shield function against high charged burning particles has been lab tested and proven. There were reports of astronauts suffered severe burns when accidentally exposed their skins near orbit where earth's electromagnetic shield was weak. The burns were instant just like in vampire movies. Solar winds travels in far distance in vacuum space. This explains well why earth is being chosen.
There are many of us who are being very ungrateful. The game of hate and anger is being played very aggressively by the luciferans in new forms. We haven't seem so much hate, unknowing hate and pretending hate for unclear and unknown reasons among the young generation. The hate and anger was shown in Norway recently.
Sufyani is being triggered in Mid-East. The chain of events is happening faster that we expected. Here we have the provocateur agents inciting too much hate and they have no time to be grateful and be responsible Khalifahs ...
For sure, Ahlul Baits escaped the persecution. They shall return to Hijjaz. They remained anonymously unknown.
I usually don’t post in Blogs but your blog forced me to, amazing work.. beautiful …
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