In preparation of profiling the upcoming 'seven eleven' (9-7-11), I was perusing several the newspapers trying to look for any sign of Illuminati ritual being performed. Bearing in mind that the the seven eleven thing could be one of the biggest 'project' since 2008, I need to know the possible outcome of seven eleven.
THIS REPORT was published today in local newspapers. If you have read my last article "WHAT IF? . . .", you would know where I stood on the missing children issue in our country, and if you have read several newspaper reports on the kidnapping case of Nurin Jazlin, you would know that Nurin was last seen being pulled into a white van.
Well, apparently, the mysterious white van who was last seen kidnapping Nurin Jazlin is still around kidnapping children, and this little girl Noramani Rosli had survived four most dangerous bastards in this country. If the police want to crack Nurin's case, they better start interviewing this little girl and get the latest photo-fit of these suspects.
I bet my wages they're the same killer. For one, I'm not surprise this latest abduction happens in Tasek Gelugor, Penang. Have I told you yet that Penang is currently infested with Freemasons? Secondly, these latest abduction happened on 06th July which is a day before 7-7-11 and in close proximity with 9-7-11. Thirdly, they couldn't do it in KL or Selangor this time because of the road block and security tightening around KL.
Oleh Zulfa Mohamad
TASEK GELUGOR: Seorang budak perempuan berusia 10 tahun yang hilang secara misteri di Kampung Padang Tonson, dekat sini, petang kelmarin, ditemui dalam keadaan bingung sambil memegang senaskhah al-Quran, pagi semalam.
Noramani Rosli yang hilang secara tiba-tiba ketika pulang dari Madrasah Al-Nushu Wal Irtiqa, Lahar Yooi di sini, jam 6.15 petang, ditemui penduduk jam 7 pagi semalam, selepas keluar dari kawasan semak yang didakwa tempatnya tidur.
Murid Sekolah Kebangsaan (SK) Padang Menora itu ditemui hampir satu kilometer (km) dari rumah keluarganya oleh penduduk yang terserempak dengannya yang sedang berjalan kaki sambil memegang al-Quran, sedangkan usaha mencarinya sejak jam 6.30 petang kelmarin, menemui kegagalan.
Noramani yang masih lemah mendakwa dia diculik empat lelaki menaiki van putih sebelum dikurung dalam sebuah pondok kecil tanpa diberi makan.
"Ketika pulang dari sekolah agama petang kelmarin, saya menunggang basikal bersama beberapa rakan. Namun, saya tidak sedar tiba-tiba saja hilang hingga menyebabkan ibu dan ayah susah hati," katanya ketika ditemui, semalam.
Noramani berkata, dia tersedar sebaik mendengar azan Subuh lalu melompat keluar melalui 'tingkap' pondok untuk pulang ke rumah sebelum ditemui penduduk.
Bapanya, Rosli Mat Desa, 40, berkata anak keduanya itu selalu pulang jam 6.15 petang setiap hari selepas belajar di sekolah agama, namun dia bimbang sesuatu berlaku apabila anak perempuannya tidak pulang kelmarin.
Berikutan itu katanya, penduduk dengan kerjasama Jabatan Pertahanan Awam Malaysia (JPAM) dan polis melancarkan gerakan mencari Noramani sehingga jam 3 pagi, namun gagal.
"Saya terkejut apabila jiran menghantarnya pulang pagi tadi (semalam). Dia mendakwa diculik empat lelaki bertopeng dan dikurung dalam rumah kecil sebelum berjaya melarikan diri," katanya.
Bagaimanapun, Rosli percaya anaknya itu bukan diculik, tetapi 'disembunyikan' makhluk halus kerana polis yang menjalankan siasatan menemui basikal dan begnya di bawah pokok manggis, hampir satu kilometer dari rumah.
"Apa yang menghairankan, kami melalui tempat sama petang kelmarin, tetapi tidak menemuinya. Kemungkinan juga Noramani menggunakan kain telekung dibawanya sebagai alas tidur kerana ada beberapa helai daun kering. Kawasan di bawah pokok manggis juga seperti dibersihkan," katanya.
Apa pun, Rosli dan isterinya, Jamila Ariffin, 37, bersyukur kerana anak perempuan mereka ditemui semula tanpa kecederaan, kecuali kesan gigitan nyamuk.
Her dad was wrong to assume that her daughter was kidnapped by Bunian. I say that because no Bunian or makhluk halus would let a child to starve hungry. Whenever they kidnap a child, the first thing they always do is fed the child. I mean, even Jembalang Hutan would fed a child albeit with worm. Furthermore, I never heard any story about the sort of Bunian or Jembalang who would disguise hide his/her face with a mask and let the child to starve. Inter-dimensional beings can change their appearance at will, so there's no need for cheap terrorist fashion.
But I would understand that any ordinary Malay would assume as such when faced with situation sounded so supernatural in nature. It sounded like supernatural because the suspects do practice black magic.. in particular the art of pukau. I wonder the level of black magic they currently practiced. Must be a very powerful one.
Thank God to Al-Mighty Allah, the sound of Azan saved her from being being one amongst the statistics. Maybe all UMNO members should perform AZAN if they're forced to confront the seven eleven. If Azan can defeat the pukau in this case, then maybe Azan can also break the spell which undoubtedly will be performed on thousands of idiots during the rally.
On the bright side, at least now we know there are four of them in the white van.. :)
But in the dark side, we now know they really meant it with this seven eleven thing.. :(
P/S: The respond I've received recently has been great. Therefore to make sure my readers won't missed any of it, I've annexed it here as part of the article itself.
Mojo Watcher said...
Bro, Your blog contains arguments that are far fetching and provide completely different point of view. I came across your blog recently and had been reading all your posted article in these couple of days. I had meeting with high ranking people. What you argued had some truth and others required some evidence about the involvement of the bastards. Didn't realize I'm not fighting against the bastards alone in this country. We must make preparations ...
Thank you for supporting my views., and yes, you're not alone. Then again, you ought to know by now that I am a coward and so does some of my friends from my group (and we're reluctant but not ashamed to say that.. being a family man and all). Therefore I'm not sure how I can help you (and your friends) to prepare for anything. The wikileak incident is the proof that the bastards can track anyone of us if we speaks the truth too much and that spooked my group up to the point all of them voted to disband. However, if you think there's a way to assist you without having to expose my true identity, I am more than happy to help.
Mojo Watcher said...
Somebody in high place didn't like what you revealed. What you argued had some truth. So continue revealing what you know among your watchers circle. I came to know your blog because of those bastards. Remain anonymous for all you can. Those doomsday bastards might try to get you someday. They are really sick psychos and they'll do whatever to stop you. They've already penetrated into our politics big time. Yesterday event was quite a setback for them. They were shocked and awed by the huge presence of so many "black" shirt defenders. One thing for sure they really feared the "black" shirt defenders from the east because of the prophecy! Yesterday, the black shirt defenders carried batons performed their duty well. We had to mobilize the "color" to warn those bastards that we were and are always ready now since we are also in high place. They thought we Malays didn't know about their sick intention, well they were wrong. We have the gears that will surprise them. They most feared when we are united and become an unstoppable nation. Their favorite pawns had failed them miserably.
Thank you bro, and I will try my best to share the knowledge to my best ability. In the meantime, you're also welcome to share your knowledge with the rest of us. Every little bit of help is needed right now. It's like how Edmund Burke put it ""THE ONLY THING NECESSARY FOR THE TRIUMPH OF EVIL IS FOR GOOD MEN TO DO NOTHING" (and yes I know.. That's an irony coming from Edmund Burke the Freemason..")
Mojo Watcher said...
I apologize if I had to use the term "bastards". For some reasons for years of profiling them, they disliked to be called "bastard". If you were pure evil, you wouldn't care much. "Bastard" has bio-logical link to them. Since beginning of time, evil doers & true dictators regardless of religion they professed were "bastards" in part of their unknown dark histories. There existed scientific reports on them by most reknowned org but could not be published for specific reasons. I had the opportunity to access them but could not justify their facts. The reports stated people who were born out of wedlock have tendencies to behave super abnormal and are easily influenced by emotional rewards (You can interpret who provided emotional rewards!). Though not all, but the numbers are very disturbing and the so many important figures associated with "bastards" in the study, all around the world including here. They could be in any character they chose in life but they tended to be abnormal to follow human norms for peace and responsibility. Some could be saved but the majority were in confused state and easily influenced through "unauthorized" emotional rewards. No wonder Islam strictly stressed on wedlock for many reasons. Allah knows best and good for us. It has to do with creation of life in wedlock form. Purity that we seek good wisdom and divide guidance. We don't ask much for rewards in this life but to be His chosen servant and humble in all our daily practices. Unfortunately, we have flaws. Wisdom and humility are the key factors. These are the best qualities our Creator is looking from us. So that we would not easily influenced through emotional rewards. You could identify many of these characters in our political scene. They have unknown dark histories. Their birth and childhood were usually less known or completely unknown. Suddenly, they gained their powers and wealth out of nowhere. They like publicity stunts so much. This is how they boost their emotional rewards.
i don't know why you need to apologize for using the word 'bastard'. Who give a shit whether they like it or not.
Isn't it their preferences to have a child be born out of wedlock in order to breaks God’s commandment on adultery? and also gives them more leverage to destroy the child’s self-esteem?
I was told that during Illuminati ceremonies, pacts which concern having the child out of wedlock to mock God are made. So I guess the word 'bastard' here is appropriately used from a technical point of view.
The only thing which probably unfair a bit is the fact that no child should be blamed for being a bastard. Furthermore not all children born out of wedlock grow up being 'a bastard to humanity' like what the illuminist had become. whether a child become a true 'bastard' will depends on nurture rather than nature. Hence, some bastard will only be bastard on paper but eventually go to heaven. Some children will be born all legal and fed with a silver spoon and still grow up to be a bastard on earth and in hell.
Karl said...
Bro, Time is our enemy. Instead of waiting for the black banner, maybe some of us are destined to initiate it?
To tell you the truth Karl, I'm actually hoping that our country will be spared from any of the end-of-time prophecy. As a dad, my biggest wishes is to live in a fervently boring country where nothing exciting ever happens. This possibility that this country might be the place where the black banners might rise is not something which get my juice flowing you know. And this possibility that my children might live through an era where they and thousands other Muslims might have to ride a horse or a tank to Jerusalem with a left hand holing an AK47 shooting the Illuminati scums and the right hand holding a Black Banner is not something I look forward. I know that sounds cowardly, but that's just me being a dad. Therefore, the idea that we ought to initiate the efforts to build the Black Banner Army won't get my vote. But then again destiny plays a major role here. If this country is the one destined to be the place where the black banner rise, then no one can stop it. Everything and anything can be the spark, from title of a book or an article in a blog or even a words in the street. A young man or a boy could be walking right now somewhere in the world - stuttering and walking limp with other kids making a joke of him - not knowing that this boy is Al-Mahdi. Similarly an orphan could be begging for food on the street of KL right now not knowing he will be one of many who will lead the attack against the Illuminati. For some reason I have a good feeling about this girl Noramani Rosli. I have learn from history that destiny always have a sense of humor again and again and again. Someone or something is watching over her, I don't think this will be the only time she'll survive the Illuminati. Time will tell.
Karl said...
Far from wanting to be a hero, I'm also hoping that our country will stay like this, till the doomsday. But, by the look of it, watching how "unfortunate" events unfold every now and then. I don't think we're going to be spared from their scheme. Now I think it's either our time, or our children's time. And being a dad, I somehow hoped it to be in our time, while we knew what to expect, while we're somewhat capable. Rather than while my kids are still young and hopeless. The choices are hard to make, if there's any.
NWO are being fed more aggressively than ever. Psychological warfare, political, religious, trends, embargoes heck even democracies are sugar-coating the evil schemes. Bloodshed aren't coming, yet; but seeing how things went, I'm more convinced that now it's either we're with them, or against them. Neutrality has extinct.
Maybe there is 1 of the 9 black banners now. Maybe one of us will be the first few in it. But I do hope if it's in our time, all of us will hold the banner proud. For our children.
Well put Karl. (and sorry for assuming you're still single just because you're currently rocking in a rock band though.. My bad)
I wish there's something more we can do. If I have my way I probably would start stocking massive quantities of guns and artillery in a secret bunker right now (like Sarah Connor in the Terminator Movie). But that's impossible, so instead I spent a few thousands building a small 3 bedroom house under my in-laws house in a very remote malay kampung. At least if there's a racial riot, my family have a place to go, a place where there's only Malays around. This is the place where there's a way to feed ourselves even when the food already gone from all the shelves in stores.
At the moment I'm planning to enroll my children in martial art classes. I want them to be agile and quick - just in case.
And the most important thing is religion. When the time come I'll teach them the selected Quranic verses which is now ritually recite by Muslim members of the group on daily basis. I'm still not sure whether I should write about it. I know 'it' somehow protects my family but none of us in the Watchers Group can vouch for the origin of these practice. Hence, I'm still doubtful whether I should be the one who leak it to the general public.
Thank you Karl for your response.
Mojo Watcher said...
Afterdark has already made very good preparation. Good job bro. Most of us made the same preparation. Live in remote area like kampung, prepare your children in martial arts, grow your on food supply if you have the access. Most of all, if you have extras, invest in HF and CB radios for communication (have your own callsign if necessary) and 4x4 pickup truck. FYI, I built my own HF radio that could reach anywhere around the world. Another most important thing is "Doa". This is the most feared weapon of all time. Sadly, speaking, majority Muslims don't "doa" in honest sense and they don't have faith in their doa though they performed their solat like crazy. If you had opportunity to travel, observe and ask even in the holiest places. Our samples were quite restricted for fearing that our profiling could reveal our identities. This is the most major weakness of Muslims all over the world. They don't have faith in their own religion. They did't believe in their doa and they only performed doa when required and yet they don't have faith.
FYI. This is very interesting facts when I worked in geology. They are 3 places in the world that were not affected or moved from its original location by changes happened on earth through continent creation. Hijjaz, Palestine and Malay Peninsular. These are 3 places known to have very high concentration of inter-dimensional beings and very rare elements. Bermuda triangle is not one of them. This is surprising. To measure concentration of inter-dimensional presence you need very expensive and very wideband geiger scope. Similar like the one we use to measure radiation which is very short wavelength region and could not detect these beings. These being are in wideband region. You cannot detect these beings using thermal camera like the one use by ghost hunters and seekers. The detector device is so expensive and requires "rare earth metal" to increase the bandwidth. 97% percent of world REM came from China and China decided to band export for military reason and supply exhaustion next year. Irony speaking, we have Lynas producing REM in Kuantan starting next year. We have abundance of REM here that we didn't realize. Why these people objected Lynas beats me. REM is not radioactive unless you change its form. Its a metal that is very sensitive to any form of radiation wavelength and EM field. REM is used to make military and precision devices like lasers, sensors and detectors, and also all portable devices that have position control like iPhone, iPad and low power memory. REM is the material that made spy gadget and UAVs possible. Our country is totally blessed! People protesting Lynas because fearing that we might develop device that could see and detect inter-dimensional beings, who knows? The intelligence we obtained is totally divine and there are specific reasons why Allah gives us. Devices made from REM are strictly export restricted. You know why. So you have to make own your REM devices for local consumption.
Maybe this explains why these "bastards" have interest and will do whatever it takes to control our beloved country. Believe or not REM is so precious than oil and steel today.
Coincidence is the year 2012.
Wow Bro, with that kind of access to sensitive information you better make sure your identity remains top secret. It's the profiler's rule not to reveal too much or otherwise we will be the one being profiled and then zoomed into. On the other hand, what you have there is like gold. I'm drooling to know more on this. Please please please please please share more with the rest of us. Do you mind if I start sniffing around and then write more on these golden stuff? If you can tell me more that would be awesome.. i repeat.. awesome as well.
shumyla said...
Afterdark, Just gone thru ur one ov the blogs pasted abt Mecca, Medina & Bermuda triangle. The logics u developed I this article does make sense & have strong points to be work on with. What if I want to u to share ur writings with me in future thru a way u manage the best?
I am honored if you think so kind of me. You may of course share my writings with anyone and in anyway you see fit. Just do me a favor and tells your buddy in advance that English is not my first language so hopefully they'll undertand why there's grammatical mistakes here and there haha.. anyway, everyone is welcome to contribute a writing, post a comments or directly send me an email for whatever reason. I'm very open minded. I would be very much oblige if anyone can point to me if there's a mistake I've done (like my buddy "insan-insan pendakwah" who keep pointing a mistake of fact and numbers I've made in my previous article).