Yeah.. yeah.. I know it's a bit late ( 12 months late to be exact ) but I promise to try to update more often from now on..
Thanks a billion to HorzePower for checking my grammar.. I'll disturb him again for chapter 17 later on.
CHAPTER 1 TO 5 (in .Doc format)
Author : AfterDark
Grammar Checker : HorzePower
"Bro, you ought to buy a new and bigger car.. This is old and it sucks !"
"Hey.. hey.. don't insult the Mahathir's car.. This is classic from the 80's" replied Cacamerba in defense of his old and squeaking Proton Saga car.
It took me a second to digest that. "Is that so? Nope, this ain’t Mahathir's car" I declared.
"Mind you, the old man drove the same car on Penang Bridge in 1985" he growled.
"He drove a 1985 Proton Saga. Yours is 1987 Proton Saga Aeroback.. Ain’t the same" I made my point. Apparently I won my case because he didn't reply back. He just grunted.
I was sitting in the middle being crushed by the skinny Mr.Lam on my right and the not so skinny Mrs. Lam on my left. Both of them in deep slumber with both heads on each side of my shoulders. Mrs.Lam was snoring and it was louder than her husband. Pak Erwin on the other hand was sitting in the front passenger seat and fully alert, occasionally glancing at the darkness outside as though as he was awaiting for someone to ambush our car.
"Pak Erwin.. Relax.. We are safe for the time being" I said to him trying to ease him out. He just smiled but still glancing at the dark.
I felt worried and uneasy as I stared at his behavior. Perhaps his sixth sense saw something out there of which we couldn't see? I then decided to keep the spasm of panic feeling inside me, with no question asked.
"So?" I prompted. "Who are these guys? 'Soldiers of the Black Sword'?" I asked Cacarmerba who seems to be driving ever slower after I insulted his car.
Cacamerba remains silent for a few seconds and continued looking ahead at the road. Then I saw him glancing at the mirror as though he was checking out both the Lams’ which were now snoring in harmony on the back seat.
"Except for Imam Ali, I don't know the rest of them that well. I met them since a year ago when I brought one of my friend to seek treatment there". Cacamerba wasn't comfortable, in hesitation telling me this menial information. He quickly glanced at Pak Erwin but the old guy just continued occasionally staring out the windows in silence.
Me: "And?..."
Cacamerba: "My friend at that time was experiencing a problem with his wife. He believed someone had bewitched their marriage to break apart. So I asked Imam Ali for a favor and he agreed to try his best to help out the couple. It happens to be at that time there were five of them. Men with average age around 40s and 50s. They all practicing silat (Malay form of martial art) on the front yard"
Me: "Who's teaching..?"
Cacamerba: "None.. They were taking turns sparring each other. It was intense because they were actually arming themselves with actual machete and keris. Those guys were crazy, with extremely difficult and complicated silat moves but no one got hurt because all of them managed to avoid any contact with the blade. They are all extremely good with silat. I would say they all are master of their game ".
Cacamerba then told me that later on during his other meeting with Imam Ali, he was told that the group called themselves as "Lashkar E-Saif Ul Aswad" (Soldiers of the Black Sword) and they were simply a group of people who shared similar interest to learn and master the malays martial art of 'Silat'.
"You bought that bullshit, didn't you?" I said to Cacamerba with amusement.
"Of course not!" He scowled, then chuckled. "When a group of armed people starts naming themselves 'soldiers of the sword' then of course there is more than meets the eye. I began to suspect that these people are some sort of 'pendekar' (warrior) wannabe but it didn't worry me a bit because though at the beginning, they were just harmless old boys. You know.. Like some of those Freemasons we used to discuss about".
"I hardly think the Freemasons are harmless.." I corrected.
"True.." he noted. " And apparently so does these pendekar wannabe".
"Interesting!". Both Cacamerba and I turned our heads towards where the voice was coming from. Pak Erwin was no longer looking through the car window. He was smiling hugely at us. Cacamerba had caught his interest now.
"So you've known them for a year already?" I asked Cacamerba.
"Sort of, but I'm not one of them" Cacamerba dodged an accusation hidden in my question.
"You've known them for a year already and I know for a fact that you're closer to Imam Ali than the rest of us in the Watchers Group".
"Wow.. its a full moon tonight.. see that?" Cacamerba voiced out as if not to further the subject.
Man, that was one pathetic attempt to change the subject. That irked me a lot.
"You know what, these two people now drooling on my shoulder were attacked tonite and we're about to deliver them to the care of a group of people whom begins to sound to me like Al Maunah. And mind you that my world is spiralling into one which now includes secret societies, demons and perhaps a bunch of dangerous religious fanatics, then don't you think I deserve the right to know what am I getting myself into?"
Cacamerba remains silent for a while. Deep in me he knew more about the Lashkar than he was willing to tell me. He couldn't lie to me. Imam Ali, Cacamerba and I were all in the Watchers Group. I've seen how he communicated with Imam Ali and I easily knew Cacamerba look up to Imam Ali like a teacher. It is my hunch that Imam Ali considered Cacamerba as good friend so it was easy to guess that Imam Ali had told him a lot of stuff about the Lashkar,
"He's right" Pak Erwin finally interjects with a soft voice to Cacamerba. "You can't drag a man to the violent sea without first warning him while his feet are still dried on the land. It would be dishonorable thing to do to your own friend."
Cacamerba merely sighed.
“Please tell us who these people are?.." he persuaded. Cacamerba then obliged.
Contrary to what most of you might assumed when you begin reading this story, Imam Ali has never been appointed as an 'Imam' (a person appointed to lead a prayer in a Mosque) by any government authorities. In fact, the word 'Imam' does not refers to his position as religious scholar or leaders. It was merely because when he was born, his father whose name is ALI BIN MISKIN decided to name him 'IMAM'. Hence his full name is 'IMAM BIN ALI'. Since most Malays no longer mentioned the word 'BIN' (translation: "son of") when verbally conversing then whenever he was asked of his name, he said "I am Imam Ali" and people misunderstood into thinking that his name is "Ali" when in fact "Ali" was his father's name. In fact, a lot of elderly in his village thought it was hilarious to combine his name with his father's and grandfather's name which they ended up calling "IMAM ALI MISKIN" (meaning: Poor Imam Ali).
This things happen a lot amongst the Malays especially in the 70's and 80's. Parents named their newborn with names meaning of good intentions and yet can become either burdensome to respective name beares and sometimes outright hilarious later on. In the case of Imam, it was clear that his dad had wanted him to grow up as a pious man and hence the name. I've heard other cases where newborns were given names such as "Aji" (Haji : men who had performed pilgrim to Mecca) and 'Ostad' (Ustaz : pious young man from Malay's perspective). Then in one hilarious case a toddler who had just entered kindergarten had announced his name as 'Badman Bin Suparman" and it become the jokes of the whole school. In Sabah there is a politician whose name is Datu Nasrun Bin Datu Mansur and everyone, including children called him by his first name "Datuk! Datuk!" because they thought `Datuk' here is his honorary title given by the State Government, totally oblivious to the fact that they were calling a man in his 50s by his first name. I also used to have a friend who's real name is 'Cantek' (Beautiful) and I used to think that was such a huge gamble by her parent. Fortunately she does grow out to be a good looking girl or otherwise it will be awkward to call her by her name if she looks like an ogre.
Anyway, Imam Ali did grow up as a religious man even though he ain't no rich guy. In the year when this story happened, he still just a former marine from a 6th Battalion Royal Malay Regiment. However, he belongs to a family which had been practicing silat through generations. He had been taught silat gayong by his grandfather and later in life learned how to perform rukyah (islamic healing) by his father. It was from his days with the regiment that he came into contact with five other practitioners of silat. Some of them were former members of Malaysian Special Forces Group and some from 17th Battalion Royal Malay Regiment. All of them came from generation of families who practices silat and they meet often to spar each other.
The formation of Lashkar E-Saif Ul-Aswad was actually inspired from other vigilante group that had secretly existed in 1950's albeit under a different name. However, that group was later officially disbanded under the order from the higher echelon in the government. The vigilante group that was established by Imam Ali and his friends were basically members and ex-members of the Malay regiment with the determination of protecting the Malays and Islam in Malaysia against 'the enemies of Islam'. Yeah it sounded corny the first time I heard it, that was until later I realized that when it comes to these people the 'enemies of Islam' they were combating against were the Luciferians and demons.
To understand imagine what kind of people they were, then you should googled the internet and read the story of the militant group Al-Maunah. In terms of secrecy and memberships, Imam and his friends are the same with Al Maunah. Only the goals are different.
The Al-Ma'unah, or the 'Brotherhood of Inner Power' led by Mohamed Amin Mohamed Razali was established in September 1998. Their motto at that time was "Jihad is Our Way" and its members include surprisingly large number of the mainstream community including engineers, accountants and former military men.
On 2nd July 2000, fifteen of them dressed in military uniforms approached the sentries at two army camps in Gerik in the northern Perak and demanded be allowed to conduct spot checks on the store of arsenal housed there. The sentries were duped into thinking that the group were military inspectors led by a lieutenant colonel, a major and a captain, complete with berets and epaulettes. Once inside the pos 2 Kem 304, they looted more than a hundred assault rifles, grenade launchers, heavy and light machine guns, communication equipment, mortars as well as thousands of bullets. By the time the authorities were alerted of the heist, they were already hiding in the jungles of Sauk, 16 kilometers of Gerik.
Police threw a containment cordon of Bukit Jenalik. A number of security personnel were deployed to penetrate the Al-Ma'unah's camp. However, two of the police personnel Sergeant (Sarjan) Mohd Shah Ahmad and Detective Corporal Sanghadevan, as well as civilian Jaafar Puteh and an army personnel, Trooper Matthews anak Medan, were taken hostage by Al-Ma'unah. On the morning of 5 July 2000, a member of Al Ma'unah, Abu Bakar Ismail was shot by the security forces. In retaliation, Mohamed Amin and his followers returned fire against the security forces. During this cross fire, Sanghadevan was shot dead by Mohamed Amin twice in the head.
The Al-Ma'unah group later surrendered. Mohamed Amin Mohamed Razali was the last to surrender but before doing so he grabbed the Malaysian Army Field Commander, Lieutenant General Zaini Mohamad Said by his shirt and tried to shoot him at point-blank range. The General flicked the barrel of Amin's assault rifle and the bullet hit one of the militants. Mohamed Amin and his group were brought to trial for charges of “waging war against the King,” and became the first people convicted of such offence in Malaysia. Amin and his two lieutenants, Zahit Muslim (ex-police VAT-69 commando) and Jamaluddin Darus, were sentenced to death.
Believe it or not, there are quite a numbers of groups which were considered as militants in Malaysia. Whereas some can be considered harmless jihad wannabes who has yet to do anything harmful, there are others like Al-Maunah who are dangerous because they just a bunch of idiots who interprets Islam from a very narrow perspective.

Fortunately the guys in 'Lashkar E-Saif Ul-Aswad' were much brighter and well informed than those in the Al-Maunah or other militants that currently exist in Malaysia. Due to their knowledge of the Luciferians role behind the May 13th tragedy and what had been happening in this country ever since, some ex-military men whom were dissatisfied with the government's inability to 'contain' the Luciferians activities in Malaysia had decided to band together and formed a special type of militant cum vigilante group that existed only a few in this world. They then became an extreme type of anti-Luciferians vigilantes that had been carrying black-ops exterminating the Luciferians in Malaysia.
I do not know that much of what they have been doing so far because they refused to fill me up with what's they've been up to. However, I can make educated guess from bits and pieces I got that 'assassination' may have been carried out when there were no other option for containment. I always wonder whether they were related to the rumors that there were once an attempt to sabotage a helicopter that were used to airlift a Luciferian former deputy prime minister.
Since the year 2000 however, their scope and mode of operation has changed a lot. The hikes of cases of missing children had really shifted their attention. Nowadays they've concentrated on tracking and hunting down criminals who were paid by certain Luciferians politicians to kidnap children and perform human sacrifice. When they found one, there will be no hesitation amongst them to exterminate the target with full prejudice. I sometimes wonder whether some of the dead bodies found floating in the river or dumped in the wood were part of their own messy method.

This kind of war between good and evil has been happening in the entire world ever since the the 16th centuries. In Europe it started out as a massive witch hunt triggered by the publication of "Malleus Maleficarum" ("Hammer of Witches") by friars Heinrich Kramer and Jacob Sprenger, dictating that Christians had an obligation to hunt down and kill witches. This lead to the emergence of two most well known Witch Hunters in England - Matthew Hopkins (whom were rumored to have stolen one of Satan's address books so that he might copy down the names of the devil's disciples) and his two assistants John Stearne and Mary Phillips - whom carried out an intense 2 years campaign in East Anglia between 1645 and 1647.
In the west there used to be this rumors about a group of monks who called themselves the 'Armor of God' running around hunting demons and satanists. Funnily enough the supposed rumors even made it to the silver screen in the 1986 Jackie Chan's movie eventhough in the movie they were portrayed as villain. Another example was the medieval German 'Holy Vehm' - even though not really the good guys - would still eagerly have hunted and executed members of the Illuminati.
In 2010, the activities of one particular group had exploded all the way into the International news. The name of the group Opus Angelorum, which means "the work of angels" in Latin, made it into the BBC news after The Vatican warned Catholic bishops around the world to monitor carefully a secretive traditionalist sect which prays to angels to combat demons. The group was founded by an Austrian housewife named Gabriele Bitterlich who claimed to have identified the angels and demons who were battling for the control of human beings and that women who have had abortions are possessed by the devil.. She also claimed to have been in contact with an archangel and to have written down the names of hundreds of angels and demons. Operates mainly in German-speaking Europe, Brazil and India, Opus Angelorum members including dozens of Catholic priests and nuns.
Cultic satanists are adults who lure children into underground rituals of a predatory nature. These rituals can include child sex, promiscuity, drug and alcohol abuse, sacrifice and mutilation of animals, and murder. They are frequently involved in drug trafficking, kidnapping, raping and ritual murder. Sometimes these cults spawn from small groups of dabblers along their descent to madness. Their satanic rituals include torture and humiliation (often of children) over periods that span several hours. Women in this group are used solely to create babies, and during the time they are pregnant the pregnancy is hidden, and the baby is then sacrificed in the rituals. Society doesn't even know these children ever existed. These are family groups who are expert at secrecy.
Some of these satanic cult-religions include Voodoo, Santeria, Hoodoo, Brujeria, Macumba, Quimbanda, Pajelanca, Palo Mayombe, Candomble, Yoruba, Yezidi, The Temple of Set, The Black Coven of Satanas, Cathedral of the Black Goat, Cult of Cthulu, Lucifer's Den, Demonolatry, The Order of the Nine Angels, Ordo Sinistra Vivendi, and many others.
According to a friend of mine in the Watchers group, even in the United States there are just a few of these vigilante groups against the Satanists and Illuminati. Except for the Illuminati, the intelligence community and a very few who might have encountered the secret war, there is no one else who knew what their names are and most importantly what they looked like. However, their existence did manage to reach the silver screen. In the movies they were often potrayed as a gang of misfits hunting down the vampires. In 2009, the American rapper DMX - whom was known as a prominent celebrity against the Illuminati - starred in a film called “The Bleeding”, about a vigilante team battling a secret society of vampires.
* * * * *
It was a rather long drive of 3 hours drive to our destination and when we reached our destination house, it was raining.
Imam Ali's house was as just a common malay house built on stilts with vernacular roof and surrounded by verdant rice paddies. It was dark around 3.00 am and the mosquitoes were attacking me with buzzing sound so loud that I had troubled thinking about anything else but defending myself.
"Where are we?" I asked Cacamerba.
"Kampong Belantek.. 25 kilometers from Pedu Damp.. This is Imam's house.." He replied.
The Kampong Belantek ('Kampong' means 'Village' in English) is located ever far on the north-west of Kedah than Kuala Ketil. According to Cacamerba we did pass through Kuala Ketil on our way to Kampong Belantek but he decided not to stop by to check on Syafiqah because we were in a hurry to deliver the Lams to Imam Ali's custody.
"This dilapidated house is the headquaters of soldiers of the black sword??" I frowned.
Cacamerba rolled his eyes then sighed.
"Nope, Imam told me that their usual point of gathering is somewhere inside the reserve forest of the Pedu Damp. But I've never been there".
He sighed again with his face then turns into deep thought.
"I'm not one of them.. remember?"
In the drizzling rain, Pak Erwin was already outside the car and standing on the front lawn.
"Assalammualakum!!" he voiced out his greeting (Meaning "Peace be upon you.", this is a common greeting among Muslims).
Cacamerba and I joined him in the rain. Both of us folded our arms because it was wet and freezing but I noticed that Pak Erwin clothes remains dry. What a weirdo.
"ASSALAMUALAIKUM!! HELLOOOOOOOO!!" I decided to take over with my louder version of the greetings.
Before I knew it there's a roaring sound coming front distant. I squinted my eyes and saw two bright light attached to a car was heading to our way. The car moved quickly on the pavement and unto the soft ground. then suddenly screeched to a stop 20 metres away from where we were standing and two doors opened and closed. The two strangers now standing 10 meters away from us.
One was slender with his black hair was chin-length and a goatee. The other one was a short fat guy. His black T-shirt strained over his big belly, and he seemed gleefully conscious of that fact. His hair was so short it made him looks like a short fat marine. He also had what seems to me like a short machete hanging on his waist.
"Assalamualaikum" the slender guy greeted us first. His voice was calm and methodical.
"Walaikumsalam.." answered the three of us altogether. Cacamerba and I were answering in a strained voice which Pak Erwin sounded almost cheerful - like he was greeting an old friend.
Both the men were still standing and staring at the three of us. The slender guy then glanced down, eyes wide, at the poodle of water on the ground, then the sky, then at our car before finally moving his lips.
"Greetings gentlemen. Can any of you tell me in what episode does Mulder and Scully kiss for the first time?" his voice was calm and pleasant.
. . . . . . . ?
For approximately 5 seconds it felt to me like all the stars in the Milky Way stopped orbiting. The cloud stopped raining. The wind stopped blowing, and even the clock stop ticking. The irrelevancy of that question being forwarded at such inappropriate time like this really make me stump. They have got to be kidding us right? Are these guys for real?
I heard Cacamerba clearing his throat…
And then he asnwered. "Errr.. The first time Mulder kissed Scully was in Season 6 episode 'Triangle,' They also kissed in Season 7 'Millennium', Season 8 'Existence, and Season 9 'Finale'..."
There was another 5 seconds of complete silence before the other fat guy broke it.
"Wow... I've never imagined anyone could answer such a nerdy question.. You must have watched all episodes of the X-Files over and over relentlessly.."
"Thrice.. actually" replied Cacamerba. I knew he was lying though because he once told me that he had watched the entire seasons of X-Files for at least ten times now (and he had this weird fantasy about him being Mulder spying Scully in the bathroom).
"So did he get it right? Is he a certified members of the Watchers Group?" asked the fat guy to his colleague as if seeking confirmation
"How the hell should I know.. But Imam Ali said that only a guy known as Cacamerba could answer stupid questions like that.. So he must be Cacamerba then.."
Cacamerba was about to make a verbal objection on something when Pak Erwin decided to interject.
"So you two gentlemen were sent here by Imam Ali, I assume? Lashkar E-Saif Ul-Aswad perhaps?" he asked casually from behind.
"Perhaps... and you are?"
"Oh.. I'm nobody... I was just tagging along with these guys" answered Pak Erwin in cheerful tone with his right hand pointing to me and Cacamerba.
"Oh really? Well, perhaps there is a better way to ask you that question"
Suddenly the slender guy lurched forward and swung a right hook. It was one heck of a shot but Pak Erwin knew the second he launched it. The smirking Pak Erwin ducked under it and before the attacker could even register the dodge, the old man launched a body shot with merely a palm of his hand unto his opponent's ribs.
There was a howling of pain as the guy was crouching on the ground with his hand on his torso. Then again the slender guy charged with a roar like a bull. Pak Erwin sidestepped avoiding one flying fist, then he grinned while slapping his left hand against the middle of his opponent’s back as he slid past. The blow caught his opponent between his shoulder.
"Adoi!" Screamed the slender guy as he was falling to the ground yet again. He tried to break his fall by planting the palm of his right hand on the ground but Pak Erwin was already jumping with one of his legs out, and then shin angled down.
The slender guy barely has the time to breath when he quickly dodged just inches away from where Pak Erwin's leg smashed into the ground, slamming into it with his knee and shin flat into a piece of wood which happened to be there, crushing it into a torrent of splinters that rose up around him in the air.
Then with the speed of a lightning - while the splinters were still hanging mid air - Pak Erwin spun his body around and swept his foot towards his opponents head.
At this point of time, for a weird reason I already imagined a watermelon being crushed into smithereens.
But then with his feet just a few centimeters from where the slender guy's eyes were bulging with fear, Pak Erwin feet stopped.
Movement paused.
Everthing seems quiet…Everybody went silence.
Then he stood up, patting the slender guy on his shoulder while laughing a soft, enchanting laugh.
"Young man, I managed to pass your test?"
The rest of us stood frozen with our eyes almost popped out from sockets upon witnessing such a scene unfolding before us. I wasn't sure what had triggered the attack and what 'test' Pak Erwin was talking about but I decided that it's not the kind of test I would like to endure.
The slender guy was panting and shaking as he stood up to shake hand with Pak Erwin. He smiled but his face was blushed, in ashamed.
"My name is Syed Mohamad Omar but people called me Syed only" the slender guy now introducing himself. "I guess you're Pak Erwin that Imam Ali had spoken about. My reading of you is correct. You are one hell of extraordinary old man from across the sea. It is an honor to meet you sir and I apologize for my behavior just now."
"It is okay.. I am sort of used to that already. Wherever I went, there are always those who wanted to test me in one way or another... I still couldn't understand its logic though..". Pak Erwin was grinning and slowly his playful smirk appeared again. Then his eyes darted to the burly guy who was now standing beside his friend.
"And you should introduce me to your friend, too, I think."
"Oh, this is Nordin Pabuka. You may call him as Cipoi only. He's my cousin and just joined the Lashkar for over a year now." Said the slender guy 'Syed' who was now extending both his hands and also began shaking hands with Cacamerba and then me. Seeing that the situation has now turned friendly, Mr.Lam decided to exit the car and joined us shaking hands with the two people who had - minutes ago - attacked his friend Pak Erwin. Syed Mohamad Omar immediately took the opportunity to explain to Mr.Lam what actually happened between him and Pak Erwin moments ago. Mr.Lam seems a bit confused but simply trusted Pak Erwin judgment on the whole situation.
"So Mr.Cacamerba, is this the house where my wife and I should take our refuge for a couple of days?" Asked Mr.Lam to Cacamerba while looking at the empty ordinary Malay house that stood before us. By this time the whole area is still dark but fortunately the rain has stopped.
That reminded Cacamerba of why we were here. "Oh yes, speaking of that. I have two questions for you, Syed." He said to Syed Mohammad. "One, we're looking for Imam Ali, so where is the old man? Two, I haven't told him we are coming, so how come you two seems to know we're coming?"
Syed Mohamad use his fingers to caress his goatee beard, thinking for a second and then asked. "I will answered question number two first. Do you know what 'scanning' is?"
"Of course I do!" Answered Cacamerba confidently with a proud tone. "I have just bought my own Canon TWAIN flatbed scanner at home. Cost me a fortune but well worth it! But what does a scanner have to do with everything?"
Syed Mohamad pursed his lips then answered. "I don't know what are you babbling about but that's not it. Apparently Imam never told you about some of the weird things he is capable of. Perhaps he'll explain it to you when time permits."
"When time permits? What's wrong about now?" I asked.
His eyebrows shot up. "Wow, really you don't know what's been happening in the past 3 hours?"
I stared at him, remembering what Mr.Lam had told me about the epic kung-fu battle (well, the way he tell the story during our journey does make it sound as though as the pig was performing some serious kung fu shit against some ugly ghostly dudes) that happened in his bedroom, but then I remembered that the pig story occured more than 3 hours ago. So that must not be it.
Realising that none of us knew the latest update, Syed Mohammad grinned at his cousin Cipoi and then turned to us to reveal the update.
"The Lashkars are going to war. Roughly two hours ago those bastard infidels had kidnapped two Muslims girls and injured their motorcyclist friend who happened to be acquintance of Imam. They also killed two other civilians but I'm not sure when and why though. It's something big, ain't it right Cipoi?"
Myself, Cacamerba and Pak Erwin were flinching.
"Do you know their name? The kidnapped girls and the civilians?" Asked Pak Erwin.
"I overheard Imam spoke to someone over the phone before he left. One of the dead guy is called Isa and one of the girls is called Fiqa"
My throat suddenly felt swolen and I almost chocked on surprise when I heard the name.
"SYAFIQAH HAS BEEN KIDNAPPED!!?" I asked out loud, barely able to contain my surprise and anger.
Damn those Luciferians! .. and I'm totally screwed for real too!
The speed of how things escalated since I arrived in Penang Island was something that beyond the value of five million ringgit I was supposed to profit.When I heard the story of Fatimah, I thought I was only dealing with an issue of the Jesuits.
Then I heard the story of what happened in Jerejak Island and I thought it was some sort of Jesuit + Ghost Story.
Then I was told about the Islamic Militant Group and get to meet Dato Pang and I think to myself. "Ok Fine!.. Jesuit + Ghosts on distant Island + Militants vs Freemason".
Then a couple of hours ago it was like "O crap!.. Jesuit + Island Ghosts + Militants vs Freemason + Mystical Pig + Sorcery + Demons!"
And now? It all added up to "Jesuits + Ghosts + Freemason + Militants vs Freemasons + Pig + Sorcery + Demons + Kidnappings + Assassination = I AM DEAD MEAT" which is not even worth it for five millions ringgit.
After the attack on the Lam a few hours ago, I was now certain that some sort of a very powerfull satanic cult was now involved and that they had been trying to silence those whom they percieved as a threat. I also have no doubt that the name Isa spoken by Syed Mohamed was the same Isa that I was supposed to bribe in order to conceal the Pang's dirty secrets. I now realized that the senior Pang (who else could be behind all these?) has never intended to conceal the Jesuits dirty secret with just money. The attack against the Lam, the death of Isa and the kidnapping of Syafiqa can only led to one conclusion, that whoever knew about the hauntings of the Jerejak MUST DIE.
And that includes me.
F**k the five millions ringgit.. I'm a dead man walking anyway.