When asked his reasons for helping the Jews. Sugihara explained that the refugees were human beings, and that they simply needed help.
“You want to know about my motivation, don't you? Well. It is the kind of sentiments anyone would have when he actually sees refugees face to face, begging with tears in their eyes. He just cannot help but sympathize with them. Among the refugees were the elderly and women. They were so desperate that they went so far as to kiss my shoes, Yes, I actually witnessed such scenes with my own eyes. I knew that somebody would surely complain about me in the future. But, I myself thought this would be the right thing to do. There is nothing wrong in saving many people's lives....The spirit of humanity, philanthropy...neighborly friendship...with this spirit, I ventured to do what I did"
Comments: The documentary started out with one of my favorite line of all time by Edmund Burke
Every one of us will ought to remember this line because everyone of us will eventually faced with a decision to made when the time comes. There will come the time when we stood before someone in desperate need of help and there's a choice to made. currently, the modern members of society are divided into three categories of people namely (a) a hero who instinctively and instantly helps (b) a villain who hates to help (c) someone who wanted to help on selective occasions (where it will benefits them or at least not burden them later) (d) bystanders who wanted to help but will only after someone else made the first step.
Fortunately, the category (b) species isn't that much in our society but then again, the category (a) species are also gradually declining in numbers. The majority of people now are somewhere within category (c) or (d) which doesn't necessarily means a bad thing, but it's not a good thing either.
The category (c) people is the one who fears that by lending a helping hand, they might get be pulled into the vortex of bureaucracy later. This is quite true in relation to the recent trends, where people who helped someone got mugged might be compelled to present themselves to the police station to have their statement taken and later be presented with a subpoena forcing them to be court's witnesses. Going to police station and to court is not the worse of it, the aggravating situation is where this person was instructed to go to the police station at 9:00 am only to find out that the investigating officer or recording officer is'nt around and he had to come back in the afternoon or another day. Then this person is served with subpoena to attend court's trial on certain date, only to sit in waiting room for 2 or 3 days waiting for his turn to testify. No wonder people hates assisting the road to justice.
I heard in America it's much worse. If you saw someone hit by a car, then it's would be unwise to assist him on the spot. There's been a situation where when a good samaritan helped an injured person and later sued by that man on allegation that the good samaritan had aggravated the injuries during the rescue. I've read a story where a singaporean parent was considering to sue a malay bomoh for trying to save their daughter allegedly possessed by a chinese demon. This reminds me to the story of Anneliese Michel who was possessed by demons in 1976. Her parent and the two priests who tried to help her, Father Ernst Alt and Father Arnold Renz was sadly prosecuted and convicted under neglectful homicide.
Fortunately for us, our lawyers hadn't reached that stage of crookedness.
In my line of career I've met a lot of category (d) people in my life. These are the sort of good Samaritan who wanted to help, but a bit 'shy' to be the first hero. They stood there by the side of the road watching in horror someone gets hit by a car and yet they stood their ground waiting for someone else to make the first move. If no one moves after a while, they start dialing 999 and wait for the police or the ambulance to come. When Canny Ong Lay Kian in 2003, a patrol policeman was probably too 'shy' to step forward to investigate the distress of a woman seen waving in murderer's car. A motorist who stopped to ease himself at a construction site along Old Klang Road probably was too 'shy' to call the police after he spotted the murdered frantically trying to drive away with a semi-naked woman lying on the back seat.
Similarly category (d) people can be found depicted in lots of news about snatch theft (ragut). There has been frequent reports about victims being robbed in broad daylight with passers by just watching from afar.
I asked my readers not to think too bad about these type (d) species. These are not bad peoples. They're just one which need a bit of 'encouragement' to step forward. Encouragement here means that it requires an action from a type (a) person to motivate the rest of the type (d) bystanders. On April this year, A type (a) motorist saw a crime in progress and cornered the snatch thief before several type (d) passers-by joined him and surrounded the culprit (The Star).
That's why I would implore my readers to be the type (a) person. A true hero desperately needed by Malaysian currently besieged by type (d) citizens. Several thousands more of heroes would help so much in guiding the rest of type (c) and (d) within our community to move towards the 'light' (pun intended).
I also found this internet video clips showing a true superman throwing his weapon of justice (a bicycle) at a pair if snatch thieves whom moments earlier just robbed their victim. It's hilarious and yet satisfying. If I were there, I would definitely buy him a new bicycle. After you have finished watching the Sugihara documentary, you can watch this marvelous super-bicycle-man in action.
Comments from YOUTUBE
daniaberlina: Jews invade Palestine....is that the rewards for their freedom by Sugihara? I wish Sugihara never did that
My Respond: That's true!! And I know that from the beginning because I've seen this documentary for 5 times already. The first time I saw it was probably around 2008 before I wrote "Novus Ordos Seclorum" which marks my return to writing. That line from Edmund Burke keep coming to my head, so I decided to write again.
You're not the only one who think that. I also knew how some descendants of the Jews saved by Sugihara ended up killing the Palestinians. My favorite blogger from Insan Insan Pendakwah thinks exactly the same (refer to comments).
I think Sugihara also knew the same, which is why in 1985 when he was granted the honor of the Righteous Among the Nations by the government of Israel, he didn't attend it. Instead his wife and son accepted the honor on his behalf. Of course the Israelis government would be too embarrass to tell the truth, so they sugar coated it with excuse that Sugihara was too ill to travel. That doesn't make sense, because if Sugihara was a willing recipient, then for sure the Israelis government wouldn't mind sending some diplomats to travel to Japan to hand it over to Sugihara personally. Other thing which doesn't fall to place is that the documentary only aired in 2005, despite the publicity on him had been widespread in Israel prior to his death in 1986. In fact, the government of Israel had known about his heroics since 1968. So why does it took so long to honor him?
I have had the opportunity to exchange a few emails with an American jew in 2010 (like I said before, there's jews in the Watcher's group) about Sugihara. I was asking the same questions. It is fair to say that some of their answers does make sense. The documentary was mostly funded by Americans Jews who's beneficiaries of Sugihara's kindness. It's the American Jews who lobbied heavily to include his name in Yad Vashem memorial. This sounded odd of course because if the nation of Israel wanted to honor Sugihara that bad, then why the need for lobbyist to force Sugihara's name down the Israelis throat? I think the answer is clear, Sugihara was never in the who's who list in the Israel's tools of propaganda. The best thing I could think of is he probably had said something very offensive to government officials when he visited Israel in 1968, especially after seeing what the Israelite had committed during 1967's israel-arab conflict.
Now, for being me who hated the Illuminati so much, you would probably wonder why I bother to taped and youtubed several documentaries about Nazis atrocities toward the Jews. I knew of course that some of these documentaries - including this documentary - were probably filmed as part of Jews propaganda. i've made my position clear in my article "ANOTHER JEWS HOLOCAUST". In summary I said there that in war, all Jews with guns are fair games. Shoot them dead I say and I'll stick to that no matter how anti-Semitic people think I am.
But Sugihara when he helped those refugees didn't know what the future might hold, and in all fairness we ought to realize by now that all those people Sugihara had helped never ended up pointing a gun to any Palestinians. Similarly, the father or grandfather of today's Chinese never would have guess that the majority of their descendants today would breached the 1957's social contract. What Sugihara did was in no less noble than what our forefather had done prior to independence. In Sugihara's case he saw a bunch of people about to be killed and he saved them in the best way available to him. Our forefathers did the same, they saw a bunch on good mannered Chinese and they opened their arm in friendship. Our forefathers also allows them to have their place in society and leave them in peace. Would we, the descendants of today, blamed our forefathers for our political turmoil today?
Of course not.
The point of putting all these videos in this blog is to share a perspective with my readers that people of all races are always divided into good and bad. Not everyone deserve our prejudice unless we first learn about that person. The majority of Japanese were raping and killing the innocents during World War 2 and yet there's someone like Sugihara who could exist amongst them. All races are like that.
So just in case anyone of us is presented with a situation whether or not to help others in distress, then for God's sake don't abandoned him or her simply because of his/her race. If we're ever decided not to help anyone than make sure we have a very good reasons other than race or religion. When the Christians first conquered Jerusalem they killed every Muslims in the city but when Sallahuddin Al Ayubi took back the city he didn't spilled a single blood amongst the Christians civilians. I like to think that we as UMNO supporters, as the one who will be part of the rise of black banners, have better standard of thinking compared to those narrow minded racists in DAP, PKR and PAS.
Karl: A bit off-topic. Personally I never did buy the "jew holocaust" story. Sure the Nazi tagged them, separated them from the others maybe, but I bet the Red Army suffered more lost of lives than the jews. This "jews holocaust" to me is just a sellable excuse to just invade Palestine.
The gas-chamber story is also just one-sided. When historians wants to study the "jew holocaust", they will quickly be labeled as "anti-semite". Also revisionist is barred from investigating more about it. So, we're left with the "truth" we got from mostly the jews or their sympathizers.
Yes, the jews suffered, so was any other europeans on that time. And to exaggerate the jew's lost to billions or hundred millions or even a few millions, is just an insult to other races who suffered more.
Furthermore, thanks to "jews holocaust", they were free to invade Palestine like nobody's business.
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