Saturday, September 29, 2012


Cheewah, ada member cabar saya tulis cerpen dalam bahasa melayu!

Macamlah saya tak reti berbahasa melayu.. Ha..ha

Anyway, saya tulis cerpen pendek ni dua jam yang lalu.. Cerpen pendek suka-suka jak.. Langsung tak ada isi dan tak buat research pun.. sekadar redah saja..

So jangan hairanlah kalau cerpen ni kurang berkualiti.. Maaf sajalah..

So cerpen ni kononnya berkisar kandungan diari seorang pelarian perang.. tapi macam ada yang tak kena dengan cerpen ni.. mungkin format diari tu tak berapa sesuai..

Kalau cerita tak best, jangan kutuk teruk sangat yek.. Saya kan masih baru lagi tulis cerpen melayu hehe



Dear Dairy,

Entah kenapa hari ini hatiku tergerak untuk menulis di dairy buruk peninggalan arwah isteriku ini. Mudah-mudahan ini bukan perangai buang tebiat kerana aku masih belum mahu mati. Anak-anak ku masih kecil.

Mekah pun tak jauh lagi.


Hari ini genaplah sudah enam hari anak anak ku berada dalam kelaparan. Syukurlah juga Allah telah menurunkan hujan gerimis tiga hari yang lalu. Dengan hujan yang tidak seberapa itulah semua kami sekeluarga serta sahabat sahabat kami yang lainnya di dalam kabilah ini menghilangkan rasa dahaga yang menggigit tekak di padang pasir ini.

Masih terbayang di ingatan suara tuan Andi Makassar menjerit memberitahukan kehadiran titisan air hujan yang menitis menimpa dahinya. Selang dua minit kemudian kesemua ahli kabilah tidak kira lelaki, wanita dan kanak kanak bertempiaran mencari bekas untuk menadah pemberian Allah itu. Pinggan, mangkuk, beg plastik malah topi keledar basikal digunakan oleh tua da muda dalam kabilah kami untuk menampung air yang kemudiannya digunakan untuk menghilangkan dahaga.

Tadi aku berpaling melihat anak-anakku tersayang Ika dan Aishah yang masih kecil sedag mencangkung di atas tanah menikmati stok air hujan kami yang semakin sedikit. Si kakak Ica berumur 10 tahun sedang memegang cawan agar adiknya Aisah yang baru 7 tahun itu dapat meneguk air dengan tertib. Ica menyedari pandanganku dan membalas sambil tersengih. Aku berlakon sebaik yang mungkin membalas sengihan itu dan kemudian segera berpaling ke depan. Aku tidak mahu kedua anakku yang comot dan kurus itu melihat juraian air terjun yang bakal membasahi mata ayahnya ini sebentar lagi.

Jahanam sekali kesemua manusia manusia yang telah menghancurkan bangsa kami lima tahun yang lalu! Bangsat bangsat itu dengan penyokong tegar merekalah yang menyebabkan aku dan anak-anakku menjadi sebegini. Walaupun ramai diantara waris waris mereka selepas itu cuba meminta ampun kepada seluruh bangsaku yang mereka telah jahanamkan, namun itu tidak menukar hakikat bahawa mereka adalah manusia paling jahanam di muka bumi ini.

5 tahun lalu keadaan kami bukanlah sebegini. Kurang dari 5 tahun yang lalu bangsaku masih merupakan bangsa yang bebas dan bermaruah serta mempunyai negara yang berdaulat. Aku sendiri pernah mempunyai pekerjaan serta kereta dan tinggal di taman perumahan yang selesa dengan isteri dan anak-anakku. Rumah kami hanyalah di rumah teres kos rendah namun makan minum kami cukup. Aku waktu itu adalah lelaki yang gembira, mempunyai isteri yang bahagia dan anak anak yang sihat dan ceria.

Waktu itu bangsaku masih memerintah negara yang merupakan tanah air warisan nenek moyang kami. Negara kami adalah negara yang kaya dan makmur sehinggakan ramai bangsa asing bersama anak isteri mereka merantau ke negara kami untuk menumpang tuah. Kepada bangsa bangsa asing ini nenek moyang kami benarkan mereka berkongsi kekayaan untuk diri mereka dan keturunan mereka.

Nenek moyang mereka yang datang ke negara kami dulu adalah jiran dan sahabat nenek moyang kami dikala suka dan duka.  Mereka bergaul dan berdagang dengan nenek moyang kami dan nenek moyang membenarkan mereka menjadi sebahagian dari identiti negara kami. Sebagai syaratnya nenek moyang kami hanya meminta syarat yang mudah agar bangsa kami kekal sebagai bangsa memerintah Tanah air kami. Oleh kerana mereka adalah bangsa yang rajin berniaga dan berusaha, maka nenek moyang kami redha ke atas kekayaan yaang mereka perolehi asalkan mereka menghormati hak kami sebagai pemilik asal tanah air kami.

Tapi entah mana silapnya selang beberapa generasi kemudian cucu cicit mereka menjadi tamak dan haloba. Perjanjian yang sudah disepakati beratus tahun yang lalu diantara nenek moyang kami tidak lagi dihormati. Maka wujudlah sekumpulan kecil bangsa mereka yang mahu mencabar pemerintahan bangsa kami.

Walaupun kumpulan ini ternyata telah menderhakai perjanjian nenek moyang kami, namun kami tidak hapuskan mereka kerana kami anggap penderhakaan kumpulan kecil itu tidak mencerminkan majoriti bangsa mereka. Lagipun pemerintahan bangsa kami masih utuh dibawah pemimpin kami yang keempat. Dibawah pimpinannya negara kami pernah menjadi empayar dan  kami adalah bangsa yang cemerlang dan dihormati seluruh dunia dan bangsa lain.

Tapi entah dimana silapnya pada waktu pemerintahannya jugalah telah berlaku tiga perkara sial itu.

Sial yang pertama adalah apabila datang seorang lelaki dari bangsa kami sendiri yang gila kuasa dan berserakah dengan nafsu dunia. Lelaki ini pada awalnya kelihatan warak dan berwibawa sehinggakan pemimpin keempat pernah merancang agar lelaki ini menjadi pemimpin kelima bangsa kami selepasnya. Namun Allah Taala itu maha kuasa kerana mentakdirkan  kejadian di mana lelaki ini kemudiannya didapati bukan sahaja rasuah dan zalim, malahan suka pula bersetubuh dengan jantina sejenisnya.

Lelaki sial ini kemudiannya disingkirkan dari barisan kepimpinan bangsa kami. Tetapi ternyata dia ini memang sial tujuh petala langit dan tujuh petala bumi. Dia membuat perjanjian dengan musuh Allah di Amerika dan Eropah agar membantunya merampas pemerintahan negara kami. Sebagai galang gantinya maka seluruh bangsa kami dan negara kami akan digadainya.

Kemudian datang sial yang kedua.

Sial yang kedua adalah apabila datang pula kumpulan khawarij dari bangsa kami menyokong lelaki ini. Kumpulan khawarij yang memuja hanya kemuliaan ketua mereka itu telah lama bernafsu untuk menjadi pemimpin bangsa kami. Namun selama ini usaha mereka tidak berhasil akibat kedangkalan intelek mereka sendiri. Mereka adalah golongan konservatif dalam bangsa kami yang tidak mahu mendalami ilmu. Kalangan pemimpin mereka adalah yang rendah inteleknya dan oleh hanya mampu bermain politik dengan menjual nama Tuhan kononnya Tuhan memilih mereka sebagai pemimpin yang akan membawa bangsa kami ke syurga.

Dan akhirnya datanglah si sial yang ketiga.

Kumpulan kecil bangsa asing yang aku ceritakan awal tadi telah melihat si sial pertama dan si sial kedua sebagai peluang untuk merampas pemerintahan bangsa kami. Maka sial ketiga ini bergabung dengan sial pertama dan sial kedua untuk membentuk pakatan Tiga Sial bagi merampas pemerintahan negara kami. Maka bergabunglah si tiga sial ini menipu ramai dikalangan anak bangsa kami sendiri untuk mengkhianati bangsanya sendiri. Malahan penipuan mereka itu ternyata sebegitu berkesan sehinggakan mereka berjaya menghasut anak anak muda dari bangsaku agar mahu menumbangkan raja-raja kami dan menukar bendera negara kami.

Akibat pengkhianatan sial bertiga ini maka tumbanglah pemerintahan bangsa kami akibat pengkhianatan. Walaupun akhirnya hanya minoriti saja dari bangsa kami yang terpedaya dengan penipuan si sial pertama dan kedua, namun si sial ketigalah yang menyebabkan majority bangsa mereka bersepakat mengkhianati perjanjian nenek moyang kami semasa pilihanraya negara.

Dear dairy,

Mungkin ramai yang menyangka bahawa hancurnya negara kami adalah akibat tumbangnya pemerintah bangsa kami semasa pilihanraya?

Aku pun pernah menyangkakan itu yang bakal berlaku tetapi ironinya jauh sama sekali. Walaupun si sial bertiga itu merupakan penyebab kepada goyahnya kekuatan bangsa dan Negara kami namun bukan itu yang menyebabkan bermulanya huru hara di muka bumi kami.

Hakikatnya ialah huru hara berlaku akibat pengkhianatan terbesar yang dilakukan oleh bangsa asing itu ke atas bangsa kami sehingga menyebabkan perang saudara antara dua bangsa. Pemimpin kami yang keenam (dan terakhir) melakukan khilaf apabila bersikap terlalu mulia ke atas bangsa asing itu.

Dalam usahanya untuk mengamankan rakyat berbilang bangsa di negara kami agar bersama menentang si sial bertiga itu, pemimpin keenam telah bersetuju melantik beberapa orang dari kalangan bangsa asing itu untuk menjadi calon pilihanraya mewakili parti komponen pemerintahannya semasa pilihanraya. Strategi ini berhasil kerana walaupun kehilangan majoriti di parlimen namun parti gabungan yang dipimpin  oleh pemerintah keenam masih memenangi pilihanraya. Tetapi apa yang berlaku seterusnya adalah memeranjatkan.

Si sial pertama dengan wang berbilion yang ditaja oleh Amerika dan Eropah telah berpakat dengan Si Sial ketiga untuk merasuah sekumpulan ahli parlimen bangsanya dari parti komponen kami untuk berpaling tadah. Ahli ahli parlimen yang pada asalnya adalah sahabat kami dirasuah, diugut dan dipujuk untuk menyokong si sial ketiga yang merupakan bangsa mereka sendiri. Akibatnya berlakulah tragedi Lompat Parti yang menyebabkan pemerintahan bangsa kami tumbang walaupun hakikatnya telah memenangi pilihanraya dengan jujur.

Rampasan kuasa secara curang ini menggegarkan seluruh negara sehingga menyatu padukan bangsa kami yang sebelum itu berpecah. Makin menggemparkan apabila si sial pertama yang terhutang budi dengan si sial ketiga telah bertindak pula mengetepikan si sial kedua daripada berkongsi pemerintahan. Akhirnya penyokong si sial kedua menyedari bahawa selama ini mereka telah dipergunakan semata-mata untuk melemahkan parti bangsa kami dan menguatkan parti bangsa sial ketiga.

Tapi sayangnya kesedaran mereka itu sudah terlambat. Oleh kerana pendekatan mereka yang selama ini ekstrem hasil didikan sial pertama dan ketiga, penyokong sial kedua tidak dapat menahan diri dari melakukan demonstrasi dan rusuhan jalanan. Maka huru-hara pun berlakulah sehingga akhirnya meragut nyawa.

Huru hara yang berlaku adalah sungguh dahsyat. Pembunuhan berlaku dimana mana sehingga menyebabkan campur tangan asing. Si sial pertama meminta campurtangan si bule musuh Allah dari Amerka dan Eropah manakala si sial ketiga meminta bantuan senjata dari kaum sebangsanya di China dan pulau seberang laut. Akhirnya seluruh bangsa kami dikalahkan dan berlakulah pemusnahan etnik bangsa kami.

Bangsa kami terkapai kapai tanpa bantuan ketika itu. Hendak meminta bantuan dari negara serumpun tidak berjaya kerana negara serumpun pun sedang diperintah oleh presiden baru yang merupakan proksi musuh Allah. Hendak meminta bantuan dari negara seagama di Asia Barat pun tidak dapat kerana negara negara arab pun sedang bergolak akibat perang saudara.

Dear dairy,

Aku masih ingat lagi sewaktu rusuhan 13 mei itu dikala aku, allahyarhamah isteriku dan anak anak ku bersembunyi di dalam rumah sambil mendengar hiruk pikuk di luar apabila anak-anak muda bertempur dengan samseng  yang cuba menceroboh masuk ke kawasan perumahan kami. Kedua dua kumpulan bersenjata parang dan tombak itu berbunuh-bunuhan di depan rumah kami manakala aku dan isteri didalam rumah pula menekup telinga anak anak kami agar tidak mendengar bunyi jeritan manusia diluar.

Dua hari sebelum itu aku juga aku melihat jiranku bangsa asing dikeroyok hingga mati oleh kumpulan pemuda bangsaku yang telah dirasuk setan. Mujurlah isteri dan anak-anaknya sempat masuk bersembunyi di dalam rumah kami ketika suaminya masih berada di garaj rumah mereka hendak menghidupkan kereta. Entah dari mana datangnya pemuda pemuda rempit tersebut yang tiba tiba datang dan membelasah jiranku yang baik hati itu. Hancur hatiku mendengar jeritan sayunya meminta nyawa ketika dibelasah di jalanraya depan rumahku. Aku sendiri hampir keluar dari rumahku untuk membantunya tetapi kemudian aku mendengar jeritannya seolah olah memberi mesej rahsia terakhir padaku.

"Tolonglah jangan bunuh saya tuan! Saya seorang diri saja masih bujang dirumah ini tuan! Saya belum kahwin tuan, tiada anak tuan, tiada jiran yang kenal dengan saya disini tuan!"

Pada ketika itu aku sudah memegang parang di dalam rumahku hendak keluar membantunya. Kemudian dari tingkap aku melihat hampir 30 orang mat rempit dijalanraya sedang menetaknya dengan pedang samurai. Aku sedar ketika itu dia telah memberi pesanan terakhir kepadaku agar menumpukan usahaku menyembunyikan anak dan isterinya sahaja. 

Sehari selepas pertempuran berdarah di perumahan kami, aku dan keluargaku serta sisa ahli keluarga jiranku itu menggunakan hanya satu kereta Kancil untuk melarikan diri ke kampung mertuaku. Kereta kancil itu terpaksa memuatkan 2 dewasa di depan dan 1 dewasa dan 4 kanak kanak di belakang. Oleh kerana ruang yang sempit maka kami lari sehelai sepinggang sahaja malam itu.

Dear dairy,

Agak panjang untuk kuceritakan apa yang berlaku seterusnya dan bagaimana aku kehilangan isteriku yang tercinta. Cukuplah sekadar kukatakan bahawa rusuhan kaum itu akhirnya bertukar kepada perang saudara yang merebak ke seluruh negara sehinggakan kampung mertuaku juga tidak lagi dapat dijadikan tempat berlindung. Isteriku dan kedua mertuaku maut semasa perang manakala aku dan anak anak pula melarikan diri ke negara seberang sebagai pelarian perang.

"Ayah, adik Aisyah kata perut dia sakit sebab lapar.. Ayah ada simpan lagi tak keropok kat mana mana?"

Tadi aku dengar anakku berkata begitu padaku. Sebagai ayah, hati siapalah yang tidak sayu mendengar kata kata sebegitu keluar dari anak-anak yang masih kecil. Si kakak yang semakin kurus dari hari ke hari ini pun lebih mementingkan adiknya yang kecil. Aku tahu perut anakku yang sulung itu juga sakit kerana dia sering tidur bergulung seperti tenggiling sambil menekan perutnya. Samalah juga dengan aku yang mengguna strategi mengetatkan tali pinggangku sekarang untuk mengurangkan rasa lapar.

Aku tadi termangu sebentar sambil cuba mencari akal. Mataku merayau meninjau beribu-ribu wajah di dalam kabilah kami yang aku tahu semuanya pun sedang mengalami kebuluran.

Alhamdulillah baru saja ada teman memberikan aku sedikit daging salai yang disimpannya. Syukurlah anakku-anakku sedang senyum tidur selepas makan daging salai mereka. Aku pula makan sedikit saja sekadar untuk bertahan.

Rasanya perkataan ‘kabilah’ adalah kurang sesuai untuk beribu-ribu pelarian Islam yang kini sedang bergerak secepat yang upaya ke Mekah ini. Empat tahun yang lalu aku dan anak-anakku mengambil keputusan untuk bergabung dengan hampir seribu orang pelarian Malaysia yang menyeberang sungai golok ke Selatan Thailand. Pada awalnya kami diterima baik di kem pelarian namun kemasukan beribu-ribu pelarian melayu Islam ke Thailand menyebabkan ketegangan di wilayah Thailand yang sememangnya bergolak dengan konflik agama antara Islam dan Buddha itu.

Akhirnya kami dihalau keluar dengan pilihan samada masuk semula ke Malaysia atau pergi ke Myanmar. Kami memilih memasuki Myanmar dan turut membawa bersama kami beribu-ribu pelarian Islam daripada Selatan Thailand.

Di Myanmar keadaannya lebih teruk kerana Junta Myanmar juga sedang melaksanakan penindasan ke atas ethnik Rohinya. Kami meminta dengan cara baik untuk melalui Myanmar menuju ke Bangladesh namun sebaik memasuki Myanmar kumpulan kami telah diserang oleh junta tentera yang anti Islam. Akibatnya saki-baki kor Tentera Melayu Diraja yang berada di dalam kumpulan kami terpaksa menggalas semula senjata demi melindungi kumpulan pelarian Islam. Aku sendiri pun tidak ingat berapa ramai kumpulan pelarian Islam yang terkorban di Myanmar. Yang pasti sepanjang ‘perjalanan maut’ di Myanmar itu meninggalkan mayat sahabat dan ahli keluarga kumpulan kami di sepanjang laluan hutan.

Kami bergerak secara gerila di dalam hutan di Myanmar sehingga akhirnya masuk ke Bangladesh. Pada ketika ini kumpulan kami semakin membesar kerana ramai pelarian Rohingya turut bersama kami. Di Bangladesh keadaannya agak elok kerana Bangladesh adalah Negara Islam tetapi pada ketika itu Islamnya Bangladesh hanya pada nama saja. Bangladesh yang terdahulu enggan menerima pelarian Rohingya itu kini merasakan bahawa kehadiran kami membebankan dan turut mengarahkan kami keluar dari sempadannya.

Menyedari bahawa kami tidak boleh kembali ke Myanmar kami mengambil keputusan untuk menuju ke Pakistan. Namun untuk ke Pakistan kami perlu memilih samada melalui China atau India. Kumpulan kami kemudian terpecah dua apabila ada yang mengambil keputusan melalui China manakala kami mengambil keputusan memasuki India. Malang bagi kumpulan yang memilih China apabila si Sial ketiga di negara kami yang rapat dengan China telah meminta China menangkap kumpulan pelarian Islam tersebut untuk dihantar pulang. Tidak diketahui apa yang berlaku ke atas mereka selepas itu.


Dear dairy,

Sorry lambat sambung catatan. So anyway, kami pula dibenarkan melalui India namun dalam keadaan penuh hina kerana India juga pada ketika itu bermusuh dengan Pakistan. Semasa melalui Bihar kumpulan kami disamun, dipukul dan dibaling najis. Kaum wanita semuanya memakai purdah sepanjang masa dan terpaksa bersembunyi di dalam kabilah bagi mengelak diculik dan dirogol oleh samseng tempatan. Keadaan menjadi semakin teruk apabila melalui Uttar Pradesh yang pernah terkenal dengan insiden penganut hindu merobohkan Masjid Babri itu. Beberapa orang wanita dan kanak-kanak perempuan muslim dalam kumpulan kami hilang diculik akibat kelalaian keluarganya. Oleh kerana kami tidak mahu menjemput tindakbalas tentera dari Kerajaan India, maka apa yang mampu kami lakukan hanyalah membaca Yaasin dan berdoa agar mereka yang diculik itu dicabut nyawa mereka oleh Allah secepat yang mungkin bagi mengelakkan mereka mati tersiksa ditangan penculik mereka.

Pergerakan kumpulan pelarian ini agak lambat kerana kami semua menggunakan kenderaan yang ditarik oleh binatang. Tidak ada kereta digunakan kerana pada masa ini dunia sedang mengalami keruntuhan ekonomi global akibat perang dan rusuhan awam di seluruh dunia.

Akhirnya kami sampai ke Pakistan tetapi tidak lama kerana Pakistan juga dikawal oleh Amerika Syarikat. Oleh kerana kumpulan kami menjadi semakin besar setelah disertai pula oleh pejuang dan pelarian Islam dari Kashmir, maka Amerika Syarikat menyenaraikan kami sebagai dibawah ‘pemerhatian’ kerana disyaki mempunyai kaitan dengan ekstrimis agama. Selepas satu kejadian letupan bom di Islamabad yang kemudian difitnahkan ke atas kami, maka kami diarahkan beredar ke Afghanistan.

Berita baiknya di Afghanistan adalah kedatangan kami diraikan oleh penduduknya. Sebab pertama adalah disebabkan Negara kami dulu menjadi destinasi warga Pakistan mencari nafkah. Sebab keduanya pula adalah kerana bendera kumpulan kami.

Oh saya lupa beritahu.. Kumpulan pelarian Islam kami mengibarkan bendera hitam.

Sebenarnya bendera hitam kumpulan kami ini pun bukan dipilih secara sengaja. Bendera hitam pada awalnya dikibarkan oleh pelarian negaraku sebagai simbolik berkabung atas penghapusan bendera ‘Jalur Gemilang’ oleh si sial bertiga yang menggantikannya dengan bendera rekaan mereka bernama ‘Sang Saka Malaya’ tu. Sebab kedua kami mengguna bendera hitam adalah kerana hitam itu mempunyai dua maksud antarabangsa iaitu “Berkecuali” dan “Tanpa Negara” dan oleh itu merupakan formality untuk mengibarkan bendera itu bagi menyatakan bahawa kami hanyalah kumpulan pelarian.

Tapi entah kenapa penduduk Afghanistan kelihatannya tersangat teruja melihat bendera kami. Kumpulan kami dipeluk-peluk, dihidang makanan dan bendera kami dicium-cium. Entah kenapa.

Dear dairy,

Berita buruknya di Afghanistan adalah kumpulan kami kemudian diserang oleh tentera Amerika. Aku dan anak-anakku nyaris maut apabila letupan mortar berlaku hanya 30 meter dari khemah tempat tidur kami.

Tiada sebarang alasan diberikan untuk serangan pada subuh itu. Aku segera mencapai AK-47 ku (pada ketika ini aku sudah mempunyai pengalaman menembak hasil dari ‘lawatan’ ke Myanmar dan India) dan menembak ke arah yang ditunjukkan oleh ‘chief-de-mission’ kami iaitu Syekh Malaya. Anak sulungku pula seperti biasa akan menonggeng di atas badan adiknya iaitu menggunakan badan kecilnya sebagai sebagai perisai melindungi adiknya.

70%  pelarian Islam dalam kumpulan kami maut di tangan tentera Amerika hari itu. Aku dan anak-anakku beruntung kerana sempat melarikan diri. Syekh Malaya memerintahkan aku ikut melarikan diri kerana anak-anakku yang masih kecil memerlukan penjagaan satu-satunya orang tua mereka. Aku dengan hampa dan malu terpaksa duduk bersama kumpulan ibu-ibu yang lain bersama anak-anak mereka menaiki pick-up dan bas kecil melarikan diri manakala kaum bapa dan lelaki bujang bertahan di belakang kami untuk member kesempatan kepada kami melarikan diri.

65% yang maut itu adalah mewakili mereka yang terkorban semata-mata untuk memberikan peluang kepada wanita, kanak-kanak dan aku untuk melarikan diri.

5% lagi adalah mereka yang terselamat semasa serangan termasuk Syekh Malaya dan pejuang-pejuang Afghanistan yang kini ikut serta bersama kami.


Dear dairy,

Begitu lama aku tidak menulis lagi dalam dirimu. Sekarang ini kami berada di Iraq sedang menunggu berita daripada Syekh Malaya yang lebih awal menunggang kuda ke Mekah untuk bertemu seseorang yang katanya ‘penting’ di sana. Katanya orang itu akan membantu mengubah nasib orang Islam di seluruh dunia.

Aku secara jujurnya tidak tahu apa yang dimerepek oleh Syekh Malaya tu. Bagaimanakah seorang manusia di Mekah itu nanti boleh mengubah seluruh dunia. Hakikatnya bahawa semua orang Islam sekarang berada dalam kesengsaraan dan penderitaan. Tapi aku redha kerana yang penting aku dan anak-anakku mahu pergi dalam Islam. Insya Allah sekiranya Tuhan mengambil kami, biarlah kami pergi bersama agar boleh berkumpul semula dengan isteri, ibu-bapaku dan mertuaku.


Dear dairy,

Berita Buruk! Kami baru diberitahu bahawa Jeneral Sufyani dari Syria telah menghantar tentera menuju kearah kami tetapi nasib baik mereka mengalami kecelakaan Gempa Bumi di suatu tempat. Entah apa tujuan mereka. Aku dan anak-anakku mesti berkemas sekarang. Utusan dari Syekh Malaya sampai tadi dan memberitahu seluruh kumpulan mesti berangkat segera ke Mekah untuk menemui orang penting itu.

Jadi nampaknya bergerak lagi kami sekeluarga meneruskan nasib sebagai pelarian. Nanti aku tulis perkembangan terkini dalam dirimu lagi. Itupun kalau aku masih panjang umur sebab dengarnya di Mekah pun darurat sekarang.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Every Muslims are currently angry with Sam Bacile for his movie "The Innocence of Muslims"

However, I simply cannot understand why some would kill other people who have nothing to do with that idiot and his movie!

People who absolutely have nothing to do with the movie are dead in Libya and Pakistan? Why?

Why not just concentrate on Sam Bacile instead?

What if I say that rather than rioting on the street, you can expect more impact by donating a couple of bucks?

I think Ghulam Ahmad Bilbour from Pakistan is genius. He is a true man of wisdom. He knows that there's no point (and honor) in targeting a person who has nothing to do with Sam Bacile. So he directed the world attention to the real target by offering to pay a bounty of $100,000 to anyone who killed the person behind the film.

The world media is now screaming against Mr.Ghulam and he is currently pressured by the Pakistani government to withdraw the bounty.

I say let's the bounty stay. I doubt anyone would be able to kill Sam Bacile anyway because the Luciferians, the CIA and MOSSAD are doing everything they could to protect him.

But Mr.Ghulam manage to appease and directed the public outrage to the only person who really deserve it - Sam Bacile. Mr.Ghulan is now telling the Pakistanis the person who truly deserve their wrath.

If any Pakistanis read this article, please find a way to convey my suggestion to Mr.Ghulam to open a bank account to accept a worldwide donation from Muslims who wishes to be part of the Sam Bacile hunt down. It probably won't be as noble as donating to the poor, but it will allow angry Muslims to channel their anger by donating money to the fund that will ultimately attract keen interest from paid mercenaries, hired assassins and bounty hunter worldwide.

Just imagine if the money for Sam Bacile head grew into millions of dollars!! That would scare anyone else from creating another YouTube movie insulting our religion. And I reckon Sam Bacile would be on the run for the rest of his life.

Any Malaysian brave enough to start a public fund rising for the purpose of bringing Sam Bacile down?

I can assure you it's more convenience to donate to the fund online via Maybank2U than attending the demo as suggested by Khairy Jamaluddin.

Furthermore, a demo with a million people attendance doesn't freak out Sam Bacile and the US Government as a million ringgit bounty will do. If there's a million ringgit Malaysian reward for the hunt of Sam Bacile, he will definitely shit in his pant whenever he heard the word 'Malaysia'.

That would really caused an uproar in the media.. ha ha ha.. but I'm not sure how to make it legal though..

Saturday, September 15, 2012


Some of you might have noticed that recently since a couple of weeks ago I was running Nuffnang Ads in my blog. One on top, another on right side and another at the bottom of the article near the comments section.

Why? Well, I want to know if it's true that I can generate money through blogging. I have a cousin who practically resigned from her RM5,000 per month employment simply to blog full time and I envy her.

So one day this fan emailed me and suggested the same and even willing to let me borrow his Nuffnang account for two months just so that I can test myself this Nuffnang blogging money making concept. Needless to say, from the day one I pasted Nuffnang advertisement script on my HTML template, I was already imagining that sleek sexy laptop I've been drooling in my dreams.

Sadly enough, after one month (more or less), my dummy Nuffnang account only managed to generate 40 cents.. I repeat.. 40 cents! (and I would like to say thank you for whoever amongst you whom has been kind enough to click the ad which led to that 40 cents.. Seriously, thank you!)

And later I did find out that my cousin is actually posting thousands and thousands of mp3 music on her blog and let others downloaded the music without paying the artists and I thought - no wonder lah thousands of people visited her blog per day!

So I guess unless I'm willing to post porn, or steal someone's else work, or at least be willing to take money from certain politician to become part of his/her political propaganda machine; then there is no way to make that much money from blogging. No one (especially me) can writes several articles in one day just to keep readers' interest at bay all the time.So I say thank you to that fan of mine and his Nuffnang account.

Goodbye Nuffnang!

But I'm still drooling in my sleep over that laptop! So I decided I have to come up with a better plan to make money.

The question is how to generate money this way:-

  1. while maintaining my anonymity.
  2. without having to subscribe to Lucifer's idea (porn, stealing, selling sex toys, gambling etc)
  3. without accepting any money from politicians
  4. without having to torture my brain to write articles every day.
  5. without having to con anyone. 
  6. and most importantly - being greedy and lazy as most people are - I do hope to make a lot of money despite my menial efforts.

So I surfed the internet searching for all sorts of idea proposed out there on the safest and speediest money making scheme on planet earth.

Fortunately there is one money making scheme you can rely on and the authority who run this scheme is well known for keeping promises. It only take a very minimal efforts to register yourself into this scheme and there's no minimum or maximum amount of money you can invest. You can invest as little as RM.05 cents or as much as half your life savings. And the best part about it is that the profit return is somewhere as little as 10 times and can even be as huge as 700 times of your monetary investment!

There's basically no need to register to join the sceme. However, if you're non-Muslims then it would be advisable to go to the nearest mosque and ask the Imam there on how to embrace Islam. The highest authority who run this scheme is the biggest sole proprietor entity in the whole universe. His corporation has been running the entire universe since.. err what the best word to put here..oh yes!... since the beginning of all things.

If you're non Moslem and yet interested to learn more about this money making scheme, then you can learn about it and the 'Authority' running it in that book we Muslims call Al-Quran (and please buy the one with Malay or English translation if you don't understand Arabic).

However, because the book itself is rather thick, then you can read directly at chapter 6:160

"Whoever comes [on the Day of Judgement] with a good deed will have ten times the like thereof [to his credit], and whoever comes with an evil deed will not be recompensed except the like thereof; and they will not be wronged."

It is also said in the book (chapter 2:261) that the profit return can be as big as 700 times over the initial investment.

"The example of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah is like a seed [of grain] which grows seven spikes; in each spike is a hundred grains. And Allah multiplies [His reward] for whom He wills. And Allah is all-Encompassing and Knowing."

By comparison the Amanah Saham Nasional had paid a 6.5% dividend on its investors. Even the fraudulent Ponzi scheme only promised an average of 20% per year and a Pyramid scheme only promises 30% return per month (and even that turned out a total fraud). So it definitely make good sense to invest your money instead in God's scheme, right? I mean, when God promised a minimum of  1000% payout then certainly you can't go wrong!

People with doubts usually uses lame excuses such as "the promises is only valid for the pious amongst us". That's not true because whatever God said in Al-Quran applies universally on all creatures and all things in this world. Therefore even when a Zionist scum or an Illuminati priest occasionally do charity, they will eventually enjoyed the same margin of profit. That explains why there's a huge numbers of wealthy people on this earth who is not even a Moslem.

However, being a non-Moslem means that he or she will missed one bonus scheme that matters the most in the end - the Retirement Scheme. There are actually many high return schemes in Al-Quran and the profit making scheme is just one amongst many. Moslems who invested their energy, time, and wealth to these schemes usually will earn themselves membership in the Retirement Scheme which promises an eternity of non-stop ten star vacation on a huuuuuuge mansion surrounded by hordes of beautiful people in this place called 'Paradise'. The non-believers on the other hand will have to make do with that of a less comfortable place that run on brims and fire.

So what all these have to do with me quitting Nuffnang?

Well, because so far my investment in this money making scheme is just a few hundreds ringgit per month, I was hoping to triple that as soon as possible in order to reap a speedier profit return. Hopefully not only can I buy that laptop soon, I also need money to finance that bunker I've been planning to build before 2013. So taking the cue from chapter 6:160, I've decided to placed advertisements in my blog promoting this money making scheme. Because chapter 6:160 mentioned the words 'Good Deeds" then hopefully when any of you out there decided to donate to these poor children in need then not only will God pay you 1000% in dividends, He will pay me 'commissions' for running the ad too.

I don't think he'd mind of paying me a few percent commission though. He is well known for being the nicest Boss in the entire universe.

So dear readers, please be kind to respond to these advertisements ASAP - and even if you don't have that much money to invest then please placed the same kind of ad on your blogs. It's a win-win situation because if you make money then I get the commission and when you inspire others (downline) to make money for themselves then I get more and more commission!


P/S: before someone any PAS supporters start calling me heretic for writing in such style above, my automatic reply shall be 'go get yourself a sense of humor!"

Sunday, September 9, 2012


Dear fans, 

Here's chapter 13.

For now please stop pestering me to update the story. You may pester me again next month if I fail to update.

Oh yes, I hope someone can help me out with the grammar.

Need to go to sleep now.. Tired as hell. 


Author: AfterDark
Proof Reader: horzepower (

So, last night at the hotel I have called Cacamerba to arrange for my first meeting with him. Surprisingly, he texted me this morning before I went to Mr.Lam’s house and told me that Imam Ali has decided to join us for the ‘afternoon tea’.

Because this was my first time ever being in Penang, I have decided to let Cacamerba to pick the venue of the meeting. However, I did made it clear to him that since the the discussion will revolve around the subject which is not suitable for the fainted heart, then privacy was to be the paramount consideration.

So you can imagine to my surprise when the place turned out to be one of the busiest food stalls in all Penang.

“You have got to be kidding..!!”

Cacamerba must have noticed the gruesome expression on my face. I’m not sure exactly if Penangites have different set of vocabulary than the rest of us in this country but when I emphasized on the word ‘privacy’ last night I was expecting at least an exclusive quiet restaurant where we can discussed in private. Instead what I saw before me was an bustling alley filled with diners and several Indian guys raising their voices as if shouting at each other in ordering foods and drinks.

“What the heck is this place?” I turned my head to Cacamerba.

“What? What?”...with a poker face he was pretending not knowing the point I was getting at.

“What do you mean what-what?”I was annoyed

“You’re the one who told me to pick a good place to eat?”Cacamerba make it clear that it was now somehow my fault.

“Noooo.. I said this morning to pick a place to have an afternoon tea… we are going to talk about some serious matters, remember??”. I locked my jaw.

“Afternoon tea? What’s that? Sipping tea in the afternoon like sissies? This is Penang lah. In Penang we discuss world crisis while having ‘nasi kandar’ and when it come to that this is the best place in Penang”. Cacamerba was smiling from ear to ear as he said that with one hand pointing up toward a sign above. 

I looked at the sign. It said “Selamat Datang. Nasi Kandar Line Clear 24 Jam” (Welcome, Line Clear Kandar Rice 24 Hours).

I sighed.. I just ate less then three hours ago with Mr.Lam and now Cacamerba took me to an eating place again?

“Well, what are we waiting for then? Let’s eat!”

You would not believe it if I told you who said that. For a pint size girl, Syafiqah certainly has a big appetite to complement her big mouth. This morning she ate 3 plates of fried mee, then during lunch she refilled her plate twice, and now this little monster was pointing her tiny nose sniffing towards the direction of kitchen. I must say I pity her future husband – whomever that maybe.

Since I was the only one with the objection, then I have no choice but to respect the voices of the majority. So we went in as Cacamerba shows the way to our table.

The ‘Nasi Kandar Line Clear’ (that’s the name of the place) is not the best of place to discuss secret things which were highly guarded by the Watchers Group. By protocol members of the Watchers Group would not even exchange phone numbers with another member let alone discussing classified materials in a public places like this. Instead we use skype credit to call one another if there was ever a need to call others. This place is not even a restaurant by the look of it. It is more of a stall located in an alley with several tables for customers on each side. The temperature was sweating hot even though there were fans here and there mounted on a several poles inside.

Cacamerba shows us to our table located at the far back next to this huge sign on the wall saying ‘Line Clear Heritage Restaurant Since 1930’. Already sitting there were two guys with no sense for good dressing. The first guy was in his 40s wearing a songkok, a blue t-shirt and a black trouser – while the other one was in full leather jacket, denim jeans and still donning his full face helmet.

We all took our seat and then I shook hands with the first guy.

“Imam Ali I presumed?”

Imam Ali smiled broadly as we shook hands for the first time despite the many years knowing each other.

“Finally we met Afterdark.. After so many years concealing our identities in internet, it’s ironic that we eventually met in place like this, don’t you think?” He said as his eyes then flickered at Cacamerba with unfathomable expression. Aaah at last - I have someone siding with me about the impropriety of this place..

Realizing that the stare was meant to criticize him, Cacamerba quickly pointed his finger to the helmet guy.

“Hei hei hei.. It’s not entirely my fault you know.. It’s his fault too! Not many eateries allow a helmet freak like him to enter! He insists on hiding his face that way”

I can hear a cough coming from the helmet guy as all eyes now were now on him.

"I believe you two already know each other. He's not members of the Watchers Group but we all do exchanged blogroll links to each other's blog. This is Mojo from Mojowatcher blogspot".

I look at the guy with a helmet sitting in front of me. It's 30 degrees Celsius in this restaurant and yet he still donning his biker’s suit.

"Hi Mojo Jojo, nice to meet you finally" I was greeting him as I waived.

I could not even see through that helmet of what his reaction might be with me calling him Mojo Jojo. Whenever we communicated through the internet I always added the name ‘Jojo’ because I thought it’s more comedic.

There was a grunt sounded from the helmet but I could not tell whether he was smiling or grimacing (I now believe it's the latter). Then a deep voice came out.

"Please do not call Mojo that. Mojo's name is Mojo without Jojo. Mojo Jojo is a primate cartoon character of which Mojo is not" his firm and sturdy  voice aiming at me as if warning being issued.

(Note: Mojo Jojo in the Powerpuff series is a monkey character wearing a huge turban with a huge brain)

"Uh sorry, my bad.." I swiftly apologized.  Deep inside I still cannot get over the name Jojo though. But I will try not to use it in front of this guy whose selection of wardrobe was intended perhaps to potray a serious aura from him.

Syafiqah on the other hand did not see the need to hide her curiosity about Mojo's wardrobe "Hey mister!, are you insane wearing that thing. Why not lose the helmet? It's hot in here!"

Syafiqah said it loud enough across the restaurant that I heard snickers coming from a group of girls sitting two tables away from us. I was looking at Syafiqah with a stern warning in my eyes. Imam Ali remains calm and composed whereas CacaMerba was trying to hide the grin about to appear on his face.

Mojo breathed heavily and audibly, probably because he was not anticipating an ‘attack’ on his fashion taste from anyone. The black helmet he was wearing and the breathing sound suddenly reminded me to Darth Vader from the Star Wars movie. Suddenly I too felt like wanting to laugh so I immediately dropped a spoon under the table and duck - pretending to pick it up.

While under the table, I heard a deep voice of Mojo.

"Mojo Watcher is a technology specialist. Not many people are in the field. Mojo makes special gadgets and applications for many important parties. Work nature  makes Mojo a dangerous living being  to certain parties either visible or invisible.  Mojo must remain in anonymity until the day. That’s what the helmet for".

O God, this is too much! Now he even sounded like Darth Vader!

Suddenly Imam Ali too was under the table looking for his spoon. He couldn’t hold it no more and was closing his eyes trying to suppress himself from bursting into laughter. From under the table I can only see CacaMerba's legs were violently moving as he snorted between laugh.

Mojo was now crossing his legs in defensive mode right now and who can blame him when there's a loud mouth female around?

Imam and I emerged from under the table still trying to straighten our face. Syafiqah immediately look to me with a finger still pointing to Mojo.

“Afterdark, why is your friend here referring to himself as a third person?” asked Syafiqah to me.

“Actually Mojo, I was about to ask you the same question too..” I said to Mojo.

“Mojo believes that question is a waste of time to answer. Mojo believes we have more urgent matter to discuss..” Answered Mojo sternly.

“Why are you hiding your face.. Off with the helmet I say” Syafiqah still would not let go of Mojo off the hook easily.

“As stated by Mojo.. There are better issues in hands…” Mojo was avoiding the question.

“Are you even a man or a woman?” She attacked again.

“Mojo would like to talk about why we are here today” Mojo was avoiding.. again.

Syafiqah was now staring hard at Mojo’s chest.

“What are you doing?”  Asked Mojo.. his voice trembled in fear.

It took 3 seconds before Syafiqah replied.

“I believe I can see a shape of girl’s tits there….”


Laughter broke between me and Cacamerba as Mojo flipped the visor of his helmet and pointed his finger to his flaming angry eyes.

“Look at my eyes! Do these eyes belong to a girl! Huh?” Mojo was finally lost his patience at Syafiqah. Even without the benefit of seeing his face in full, I can tell that Mojo had lost his cool but that does not change the fact that Syafiqah’s questions were as funny as hell.

Imam Ali immediately patted Mojo’s back and told him to relax. Then he told me and Cacamerba to stop laughing as our behaviour had attracted too much attention from the other customers in the restaurant.

“So gentleman, so what’s the agenda of our meeting today?” Everyone in the table winced upon hearing Syafiqah unashamedly officiated the Watcher’s Group meeting. Imam Ali then threw a meaningful look at me.

“Let’s begin with how you know about Fatimah’s death in the first place, shall we?” I suggested to let Imam Ali tell his story first. He sighed reluctantly but decided to abide by my request.

It turned out that Imam Ali and I shared the same ‘informer’. The same MGS who had told the me about the Pangs’ coincidently was the same person who informed Imam Ali about the strange death of Fatimah. However,  MGS leaves the details about how Fatimah had became apostate before her death. On the day she died, Miss Pang had texted MGS about what he saw in the hospital emergency room. Upon hearing about the black tongue and the fact that death was related to the Jerejak Island, MGS immediately contacted Imam and stated her inner thought that Fatimah’s death was somehow related to a satanic ritual by the Illuminati. Being a profilers herself, she knew that Imam would be drawn to investigate the matter first hand especially when Kuala Ketil is just an hour drive away from where he stays.

As predicted, Imam Ali being a Kedahan simply could not resists the urge to investigate anything that might relates to Illuminati’s activities in Malaysia and not only did he went, he also brought along the ‘clown’ (Cacamerba) and the freak (Mojo) with him.

“I was tricked to be there. He called me to visit him and a minute later he forced me to drive him to Kuala Ketil!” said Cacamerba explaining his involvement.

“You know I don’t have a car.. I only owned a motorcycle!” Slight embarrassment can be detected on Imam's face.

“And you?” I glared at Mojo but he just shrugged his shoulder.

“Mojo took a taxi all the way from KL at 6 am to Kedah. Mojo was only interested to find out and to document the evidence should a demonic bite mark be found on the corpse” said Mojo nonchalantly.

Syafiqah winced at hearing Mojo addressing her dead sister as a ‘corpse’. But before she lashed at Mojo I pursued for further explanation.


Mojo didn’t answer my question. Instead, he pretended to examine the giant poster next to where he sat.

Cacamerba snorted as he explained.

“There were too many people there. So he decided to stand like an idiot on the lawn like 15 meters away from the house because he was afraid people might asked why he was wearing a songkok and surgical mask”

Well, I guess that explanation resemblance to Mojo presence. There were simply no boundaries to his paranoia. Anyway, that explained why Syafiqah did not recognized Mojo now donning his helmet. Mojo did come to her house that day but they never actually met.

I exhaled a little as I turned my head back to Imam Ali.
Me:              So you think the Luciferians are planning something big?

Imam Ali:     Yes. I do and MGS seems to think likewise.

Me:              Big enough that it requires the ceremony to be held?

Imam Ali:     That’s my theory.

Me:              Another 13th May perhaps?

Imam Ali:     To bring another 13th May several other dominoes must falls first. Seems too early for that for the time being.

Me:    What would be so big that they would have to present the girl as human sacrifice to demons?

Imam Ali:     Well, UMNO is being weakened from within and the 12th general election is around the corner so..”

(P/S: just to avoid confusion, this story supposedly occurred in 2007)

WAIT! WAIT! WAIT! HOLD ON!” Syafiah shrieked with a horror strucking voice, her hands waiving and eyes darted back and forth to Imam Ali and me. “Ceremony? Human Sacrifice? What the hell are you both talking about?! Are you still talking about my sister?”

Cacamerba rolled his eyes, Mojo huffed and Imam Ali gasped in shock. Then they all look at me with a surprise look.

“You haven’t told her yet?” Imam Ali asked me.

“Errr.. Not yet” I admitted with a stiff voice. Syafiqah does deserves a bit more information on her sister’s death and yet I’ve been holding that from her.

Imam Ali sighed shaking his head in disbelief.

“Before we proceed with our discussion today, you need to brief her about the history of Jerejak Island first” said Mojo to me as he folded his arms over his chest.

“I was actually hoping we could spare her from that knowledge. That’s not exactly what most Malaysians had learned in school textbooks” I snapped at Mojo.

“Mojo's right.. “ Cacamerba rolled his eyes. “They killed her sister.. She deserves to know how it all begin..”

Syafiqah stared at me for a long moment with one eyebrows raised incredulously and then with an assertive tone, made her demands.

“You.. The history of Jerejak.. Explain.. Now”

* * * * * * * * *

Like I said, what you are about to read is not exactly the kind of history you could find in any school textbooks. In fact, no evidence has ever been presented to proof that these events really happened. The Watchers Group, being a group of ‘mental’ people who suffers extreme paranoias are not exactly the best people to know how to distinguish between histories and myths.

However, this is what ‘someone’ had told the group about what happened in Jerejak a long time ago and so far we see no discrepancies between the story and the profile of the Luciferians that we have  developed.

Now, I have wrote in the internet about the arrival of the Freemasons in Malaysia. In my article ‘COMMENTING ON TAN SRI SANUSI JUNID'S MENTION ON FREEMASON’ ( ) I have written about the British Colonial Period in Tanah Melayu being started by a Freemason by the name of Captain Francis Light whom was be the second generation Freemasons after the the first Grand Lodge of England was formed in 1717.

Every person in Malaysia (except those who doesn’t go to school) have heard about Sir Francis Light whom was the first to hoist the Union Jack on the soil of Tanah Melayu on August 11, 1786. However, assuming that most of my readers probably no longer remember that much what they have learned when they were teenagers. Here is some of the textbook version of Mr.Light’s biography.


Captain Francis Light (1740 – 25 October 1794)[1] was the founder of the British colony of Penang (in modern-day Malaysia) and its capital George Town in 1786.

Born in an Ancient Town Woodbridge at County Suffolk England on 15 Dec 1740. His mother is Mary Light and his is father William whereas his grandfather, Colonel F. Light is respected & reputable man and was once a drinking companion of King George.

After receiving a grammar school education he joined the Navy when he was nineteen and served as a midshipman during the later stages of the Seven Years War.

He later sailed to Madras, India to take control of trade for the British. There, he secure command of a "Country Ship" (owned in India and engaged in trade in Eastern waters) belonging to Madras firm of merchants, Jourdain, Sullivan & Desouza.

Captain Light was later posted to Kedah to overlook the trade at the region. In 1786, Francis Light take possession of Penang after he promise Kedah that he will supply forces to defend them from their enemies. He was the founder of the British colony of Penang  and its capital George Town in that same year

The Siamese were soon threatening to attack Kedah and re-impose their suzerainty over Kedah but the promised help from Britain now became non-existent. Th Sultan tried to take back Penang but were defeated at Prai. A treaty was signed by which the Company agreed to pay him $6,ooo a year for the cession of Penang.

Francis Light died from malaria attack on 21 October 1794 and was cremated at Penang's Protestant Cemetery.


So okay, you have read the boring text version. Now here’s the ridiculous version from the most paranoid people in Malaysia – the Watchers Group.

So who told us this story?

Funny as it will sound, the story was a complete hearsay as being told by `someone’ to a a group member. That someone is actually a well known traditional malay healer (a ‘Bomoh’ even though people usually called him ‘Pak Ustaz’). Even if I just tell you the name of his practice you can immediately guess who he is. Yes, he’s that famous.

So who told him this ‘unofficial’ version of the history of Penang?

Can you guess who?

Nope, not a historian. A historian wouldn’t be able to get the documents necessary to proof this event and even if there is one, the documents are perhaps secured somewhere in a vault in Britain, guarded by the Luciferians. Furthermore, all the people who might knew about this events are already dead. The Jerejak Island has a history of its entire population being wiped out by a bubonic plague.
And as testified by the witness who told Pak Ustaz about the history of Penang - one of the dead is none other than Sir Francis Light himself.

So who is this witness? And considering that the event itself occurred more than two hundred years ago then what gave him credential worth considering?

Well, this ‘witness’ has that credential because he claimed to be 600 years of age. In 2004 a young girl who has just return from Jerejak Spa & Resort in a group vacation was possessed and has to be taken to a Ruqyah Centre run by the said Pak Ustaz. 

The witness – A Djinn in case you haven't figured it out yet – conversed with Pak Ustaz through the girl. It was the Pak Ustaz who later told his apprentice what the Djin had revealed and it was a couple of years later the apprentice decided to share the story with the rest of us in the Watchers group.

According sto the Djin who by the way called himself Ambo Unru - he was once a a resident of Mount Lompobattang in Sulawesi Indonesia. Then around circa 1660’s a bugis pirate by the name Lamadukelleng meditated in the mountain and summoned him to be his servant. From there on Ambo Uru serves his new master as a 'saka' (fostered spirits) and made him 'kebal' (invincible) to all weapons made from iron.

However, the Dutch at that time was hunting Lamadukelleng and his brothers due to their piracy activities. So the brothers together with their band of pirates migrated to ‘Tanah Melayu’ around circa 1700 and follow the footsteps of other Bugis who intends of establishing a new bugis powerhouse in the Malay land.

After the death of Lamadukelleng, his progeny who inherited Ambo Unru was involved in supporting the dissident forces in Kedah that was out to depose the Sultan of Kedah at that time, Sultan Abdullah Mukarram Shah. With the bugis help they were able to capture Kota Kuala Kedah for a short time in 1771. This is how Sir Francis Light came into picture. He came with a promise to help the Sultan to fend off the Bugis growing influence and did re-capture the fort in that same year. However, he did not met strong opposition because by the time Mr.Light arrived the Bugis had already retreated and the Bugis was now focusing instead on Johore and Selangor instead of Kedah. Only about 140 Bugis descendants remain in Kedah that year.

Most Malaysians were made to assume that the Union Jack flag was first hoisted in Penang. Our history books were kind of misleading on that. The truth is the Union Jack was flying high for the first time not in Penang but in Jerejak Island because Mr.Light had first arrived in Pulau Jerejak in early 1786 before heading on to Penang.

When the Bugis heard that Mr.Light had arrived in Jerejak Island some of them were curious to investigate the white people who had assisted the Sultan 15 years ago. The pirates amongst them wanted to know how strong the British navy was. Furthermore they were actually entertaining an idea of raiding the British themselves after hearing that the British had fired a gun loaded with silver dollar into the forest. They figured the British must have carried with them a shipload of silver worth robbing.

So two elderly Bugis - pretended to be middle aged village fishermans - landed on the shore of Jerejak Island in what supposed to be a reconnaissance mission. One of them happened to be the great grandson of Lamadukelleng and the fourth master of Ambo Uru.

It was fate that these two old men crossed their path with the two East Indiamen who had arrived a week before to hold a formal ceremony to take possession of the island. Being polite, the Bugis elders held out their hands as a gesture for a friendly hand shake with the foreigners and the foreigners were courteous enough to extend theirs.

What happened next took them completely by surprised.

The Bugis elders gasped while the two indiamen started hyperventilating. For the British Luciferians it felt like a mountain of solid rocks were pinning their hands down. The elders on the other hand were withstanding the heat of hellish fire that seems to emanate from the Luciferians palms.

Both parties then cringed away from the contact and then glared at each other in a state of bemused. No words were spoken and yet each of them perfectly understood what had just happened.

All four of them were practitioners of ancient black magic.

I don’t know the customs in other countries but in Asia a handshake is the most common method by one practitioner to detect and gauge another. If an ordinary person shakes the hand of the dukun, the dukun most certainly will feel nothing. But if that person turned out to be someone ‘knowledgeable’, then the most common sign is to feel its tremendous weight or the heat emanated from it.

The universal thing about practitioners of black magic around the world is that one warlock always felt this urge to test his power against another warlock. Some of the elders were curious to put a spell on the entire British navy but fortunately for the British they had built their fort on an island. This is the general weakness to all black magic because a spell would be significantly weakened once it crosses water be it a river, a lake or a sea. That is why for example it is impossible for a Malay dukun to put a spell on George W. Bush in America. No black magic is powerful enough to cross an ocean which is not only made of H20 but also full of salt. This is probably the reason why of all places in Malaya, the British chose to build their first two forts in an Island. First in Jerejak and then in Penang and later in Singapore.

Some of Island locals did launched supernatural attack on the British (There was no school back then, so learning ancient magic was quite a norm back then). These attack were fended off by the Luciferians who then advised Francis Light to wipe the Island clean of any Malays population. By that time there were only 10-15 locals staying in Jerejak island and no one knew what had happened to them.

Knowing what they were up against, the elders advised the Bugis pirates to throw their naval support behind the Sultan of Kedah. In 1791 the Sultan built forts in Prai and gathered an estimated 10,000 men assisted by the entire fleets of Lanun pirates in his attempt to expel the British from Penang. Francis Light then reinforced his garrison with two companies of British India infantry from Calcutta before attacking Prai. The Malays were relying on their bomoh to eye the British but the Luciferians were able to summon more powerful entities to trick the bomoh’s vision (this is still happening today). In the end the British victory was contributed by the fact that the Malays were caught completely by surprise during the attack. Anyone that failed or refused to flee was killed and everything else was burnt to ashes. The British gunboats also attacked the pirate ships and the Bugis suffered a considerable loss.

Syafiqah:     Wait a minute! Are you all saying that the British had used black magic against the Malays?

Me:    That’s not my idea to begin with. The djinn said that so if it's a lie then so am I.

Cacamerba: (grinning at Syafiqah) Hard to believe, isn’t?

Mojo:  It’s hard to believe because most people only associate black magic with the Asian and the African despite the fact that wizards and witches also exists since eon ago in Europe.

Syafiqah:     But.. if that’s true then does that means that the white people had defeated the ancient Malays too? How could that be?

Imam:          So many people have asked the same question. Our continent was feared by foreigners because the media has portrayed our race as the most powerful when it comes to dark arts. Yet the Malays were colonized by a handful of British. Our Malay warriors were well known for their supernatural invincibility. Some of them even gave the British a run for their money but in the end they all lost.

Syafiqah:     (Frowning) Did the pirates gave Francis Light a run for his money, too?

Imam:          (Smiling) In the end, yes.

The Bugis – being a vengeful race as they were – plotted with several Kedahans elders to launch a final assault against the British. Magic relics from abroad were brought and ancient ‘saka’ were summoned in preparation for the attack that will be carried out in utmost secrecy. Both the Kedahans and the Bugis wanted to revenge the deaths of their people during the 1791’s war.

This time however the weapon of choice were the local’s ‘santau’ and the Bugis ‘doti’. The santau and doti are almost an identical black magic by which poisons were carried using wind as the medium towards the victim. In the old days a santau bomoh would mix venom extracted from snake, centipedes, jellyfish or other poisonous animal with a powder made from bamboo. It is not known what the bugis recipe for doti is but it was said that whereas a victim of santau would cough blood or suffered a bloated stomach and diaherea, the bugis doti on the other hand can cause the victim to feel extremely hot or cold before falling ill and simply died. In some stories it is mentioned the corpse turned black because of the poisonous effect.

In October 1794 the final attack began. Since Francis Light and most the British spent most their time in Penang, it became easier for the plotting Bugis and Kedahan to land on shore before blowing the poison into the wind that will carry it to its intended victim. As hundreds of such poison being mystically hurled towards the British that night, some locals reported that the very the next day of seeing small meteorites like object flying through the night sky at great speed.

As a result, in 1794 there had been an outbreak of what was later claimed to be ‘malaria’ in both islands. Hundreds of British officers and sepoys died after coughing blood and suffered extreme destabilisation of body temperature. Francis Light himself suffered the worst and died a few days later.

At that time Colonel Arthur Wellesly of Wellington, England, had proposed that the island act as an alternative naval base to Fort Cornwallis in 1797. The military post in Jerejak was suppose to provide protection for the new town opposite Jerejak, which was to be called Jamestown, now known as Bayan Lepas. However the so-called ‘Malaria outbreak’ has freaked the British so much that the plans has to be aborted.

Syafiqah:     I still don’t get what the story has to do with my sister being dead.

Imam:          You have asked Afterdark how the white people’s magic was able to defeat the ancient Malays?

Syafiqah:     Yes, I still  couldn’t get over with your suggestion that their ‘hantu’ (evil spirit) was more powerful than our ‘hantu’.

Imam:          It’s not about the race of the ‘hantu’ or from which continent it came from. All ‘hantu’ assisting practitioners of the dark arts are basically a ‘Djin’ or a ‘Syaitan’ and they get their power from the type of sustenance their master are willing to provide.

Syafiqah:     (Frowning) Meaning?

Imam:          (Smiling) Well, we also have our own evil spirits which can be fostered to do their master’s bidding. There are Polong, Palesit, Toyol, Hantu Raya, Bajang, Penanggalan etcetera. But consider this for a minute. The worst kind of sustenance that local spirits would demand is blood dripping from their master’s fingers. The European black magic is different from us.

Syafiqah:     How so?

Me:    The European magic as practiced by a Warlocks or Witches always seems to demand human sacrifice. Even during the days of Paganisme and during the Roman Empire, human sacrifice was an essential part of witchcraft and druidism. In Britain human remains have been found at the foundations of structures from the Neolithic time to the Roman era, indicating that human sacrifice may have been practiced in Britain long pre-dating any contact with Rome.

Syafiqah:     Okay.. and that would mean what?

Me:    (Sighing) It’s a basic common sense. Now, between a Malay hantu who occasionally feed on droplets of blood and the European hantu feasting on human sacrifice eight times a year, which hantu do you think is more evil?

Syafiqah:     On the scale of evilness, the European hantu of course.

Me:    And would it be wrong to assume that one more evil is probably more powerful?

Syafiqah:     But.. but.. All white men seem to fear our black magic..

Imam:          Aaaahh.. yes.. There’s a saying that the devil’s greatest accomplishment is making people believe it doesn’t exist.. Similarly making the Malays believe the European black magic is inferior gives them the element of surprise.

Syafiqah:     (sighing) If what you said is true, then it means that the European are better than us in every way!

Imam:          (Frowning) I only said that our black magic is inferior to them. I never said our race is less superior. All men created equally by God and in a way that really matter we are actually superior then them. 

Syafiqah:     You lost me again.

Imam:          Listen Syafiqah. If our race relies only on black magic then we will lose because the biggest baddest demons are siding with them. But as Muslims the Malays have Allah on our side. Rely only on the Almighty and we will not lose.

Cacamerba: That’s true. This is what our group is all about. We try to spread the message to the masses through all means of media and mass-communication. Stick to the right path and eventually we will kick their arse.. Ha ha ha.

Syafiqah:     And what about my sister? How she fitted into all these?

Mojo:  Unfortunately, we do think she was the main menu during the sacrificial ceremony took place in Jerejak Island. It would explain her death a lot.

Syafiqah:     But except for the bruises on her body, there were no other signs of injures!

Imam:          Yes, that’s the only thing missing from picture. There’s no indication that she has been cut for her blood.

Cacamerba: And she wasn’t exactly the best gift to be slaughtered on the altar either.

The whole group went silent for almost a minute – until I decided to share my thought with them.

“Ummm.. I think it’s not her being sacrificed..”

They were now looking at me. Syafiqah in particular pushed her eyebrows together as she glowered at me.

“Explain..” she demanded impatiently.

I thought oh man this is going to hit her hard! But she needs to know it. So I exhaled a little and then speak.

“At the time when she went to Jerejak Island, Fatimah was entering her third trimester conceiving Robert’s child..”

With the exception of Syafiqah, the rest of the group’s face were immediately clouded with understanding.

“She was no longer pregnant at the time of her death..” Said Mojo in a hollow tone.

“An abortion.. A killing of an innocent child by his own parent.. of course.. that would please a demon a lot” Imam muttered almost silently.

Cacamerba turned his head to Syafiqah.

“Hey Syafiqah, did the hospital pathologist performed autopsy on your...”

But Syafiqah’s face had turned so white that Cacamerba decided not to finish his sentence.

Then she wept in despair.